VanEck Vectors Africa Index

VanEck Vectors Africa (AFK) closed down 14.65 as of April 19, 2024 from 14.61 from the previous day, 15.22 last week and 14.3 last month.

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VanEck Vectors Africa Index Simple Historical Data

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VanEck Vectors Africa Index Advanced Historical Data

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VanEck Vectors Africa Index Data & Analytics

VanEck Vectors Africa Index Statistics

MacroVar multi-factor statistical models monitor financial factors which are used to analyze and predict the VanEck Vectors Africa. Click here to explore the financial factors monitored and their current signals.

Click here to explore the methodology used for estimating the VanEck Vectors Africa trading signals presented in the Dow Jones Industrial Average statistics table.

VanEck Vectors Africa (AFK) closed down 14.65 as of April 19, 2024. VanEck Vectors Africa (AFK) trend was last calculated at -1/100 (range: -100 to +100). indicating a negative trend based on MacroVar models. VanEck Vectors Africa (AFK) short-term price momentum was last calculated at -1/100 (range: -100 to +100). indicating a negative short-term momentum. VanEck Vectors Africa (AFK) momentum exhaustion is 100 indicating an overbought short-term momentum and possible price reversal. VanEck Vectors Africa (AFK) moving averages were last recorded as follows: 1-month moving average 13.7157 in an downtrend, VanEck Vectors Africa (AFK) 1-quarter moving average 14.1139 in an downtrend, VanEck Vectors Africa (AFK) 1-year moving average 15.2963 in an downtrend VanEck Vectors Africa (AFK) daily return was last recorded at 0, weekly return at -0.02042, monthly return at -0.0125 and annual return at -0.13032 VanEck Vectors Africa (AFK) 20-day volatility was last recorded at 28.9534, MacroVar models monitor S&P 500 statistics based on historical data since 1970.