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How to save money

Saving Money introduction

When it comes to saving money and building wealth nothing is more important than discipline. Putting money away every month, year after year. Wealth building is a marathon not a sprint.

The first stage of mastering money management is saving. Saving is the foundation of building wealth. There are three reasons to save money:

  1. Save for Emergencies and unexpected shocks
  2. Save for big purchases
  3. Save for building wealth

Step 1: Pay yourself first

Most people make the mistake of getting paid last. Instead, start by setting up a standing order for money to go into two different accounts on payday: (1) your savings account and (2) your spending account.

Even if you are a little short on your obligation you will find ways to earn some income to make the difference.

Step 2: Increase your Income use your Family’s full capacity

The fastest and easiest way to boost your family’s income is to use on part-time projects. Use MacroVar Projects search engine to find and apply for the best projects suited to your skills and work as an independent worker.

Alternatively, you can use online marketplaces for part-time work which can add supplemental income to your household. Other members of your family can contribute with supplemental income as well by working in online marketplaces.

Sign up free to get access to MacroVar guide on how to increase your income now.

Step 3: Reduce Spending

Spending on necessities comes first for your basic survival. Yet most people can actually live on a lot less than they think or have become accustomed and addicted to. ‘Need’ spending is often confused with ‘want’ spending. You need less than you think you need. Budget the amount you need for basic amenities for you and your family.

Think of every material item you buy as a liability-cash-drain, and apply an investor mentality to each purchase. Follow the procedure below:

  1. Can I get by without it?
  2. Can I buy it secondhand at the bottom of the depreciation curve?
  3. Can I turn it into an asset?
  4. Can I sell or exchange it before it drops in value further?
  5. What’s the lowest cost method of finance?

Step 4: Create a separate saving account

Create a separate savings account and start by saving $1,000 fast in this account. This account will only be used for emergency cases. Once your savings account is filled and you are in the process of paying off any outstanding debt, you can fill your savings account with an amount to cover six to twelve of your household’s expenses. This is to safeguard you in case your income suddenly stops. This is the amount required to pay your bills for six to twelve months.

Step 5: Money bucketing

Create ‘buckets’ set up as your direct debits to apportion gives you a system to grow your wealth. Below are the buckets you could set up, even with different bank accounts. The percentages suggested are starting points. As you grow your wealth the expenses bucket will reduce and the others will grow.

  1. Save and Never touch: 5%
  2. Irregular shock savings: 5%
  3. Savings for future life goals: 10%
  4. Investing in Acquiring new Skills: 10%
  5. Investments in Diversified Assets like ETFs: 10%
  6. Living Expenses & Taxes: 55%
  7. Give Back: 5%

Step  6: Bank Account Management

Manage all your funds online, by settings online bank accounts and monitoring the money flow between your accounts, payees etc.

Step 7: Cash preservation

Build capital reserves to anticipate any unexpected big expenses. Set a target amount and use that as your new imagined zero. Build on that with capital to invest, and never dip into your reserves, letting them grow larger and larger.

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