Optimize your business using Data-Driven Economic & Financial analytics

Use MacroVar research to monitor and predict how financial & economic developments will affect your business. Identify new opportunities in new markets, avoid risks and optimize your financial planning.

FreeEssentialsSmall BusinessEnterprise

(Billed $1068/year)


(Billed $2,388/year)


(Billed $5,988/year)

Monitor real-time Financial & Macroeconomic signals
Delayed Newsfeed
Signals & Models
Access Data & Signals generated from MacroVar models using web interface, Excel or Python API
Country Financial, Economic and Risk Analysis
Monitor the countries your business is active in using MacroVar’s financial, economic growth and country risk monitors.
Global Risk Analysis
Monitor Global Risk using MacroVar Risk Management
Sector Overview
Forecast your Business performance based on MacroVar multi-factor analysis covering your sector’s stock and credit markets, newsflow and supply chain.
Sector Premium Research
Get an in-depth analysis of your Business sector by analyzing more than 20,000+ Indicators related to your business.
Users & Data Distribution
Multiple users can access MacroVar data using a single account. You can use MacroVar data to build your own applications and branding.
1 UserUnlimited
Export Data
Export data using MacroVar web interface
Excel & Python API
Access MacroVar data & signals directly from Microsoft Excel and/or Python.


If you represent a large organization or institution interested in custom solutions please contact us using the form below.