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MacroVar for Professionals

Welcome to MacroVar, your free financial advisor designed to help you increase your income, avoid risks, invest wisely, and control your assets, debt, and finances. Our aim is to help you solve your financial issues, build wealth, and secure your future by acquiring financial knowledge and new skills.

If you are a business manager, click MacroVar business manager guide to learn how MacroVar is used in businesses. If you are an active trader or investor click MacroVar for Investors guide.

MacroVar analyzes countries macroeconomic conditions, financial markets and other data like the jobs and real estate markets to provide you free financial advice to help you make the best financial and business decisions based on objective financial and economic data analysis.

MacroVar also provides with free personal finance education to learn how to analyse economic and financial market conditions and how they affect your professional life, career, and investment decisions.

To help MacroVar guide you, select your financial profile from the options described below:

Financial Stress

You have insufficient income to cover your necessities, mortgage & credit card debt.

If your experience financial stress click here to learn how MacroVar Free analytics, tools and education will help you overcome your financial strains.

Financial Stability

Financial stability is when you are out of bad debt, and have your family’s basic living costs covered by income from your employment. You can survive, but not yet thrive. This is your first ‘stepping-stone’ to your ultimate target of financial freedom. To achieve financial stability first calculate what basic living costs you’d need to house, feed and clothe yourself and your family, with amenities such as water, heating and essential items covered, but no more.

If your current financial status is financial stability click here to learn how MacroVar free analytics, tools and education will help you increase your wealth and achieve financial freedom.

Financial Freedom

Financial freedom is when you are able to live your ideal lifestyle with income from assets and multiple streams. Financial freedom requires earning your main living though one income stream typically a business, but then diversify profits to grow and protect your wealth. You may reinvest profits into passive investment strategies, real estate, stocks, buying other businesses and more.

If your current financial status is financial freedom click here to learn how MacroVar analytics, tools and education will help you increase your wealth further.

How MacroVar works

  • Global Financial Markets, Economies and Risk: Monitor economic and financial conditions to identify new investment or business opportunities and avoid risk.
  • Your Country & Local State: Monitor Economic conditions, Financial Markets and Risk
  • Your Job security: Monitor the performance of the sector and industry you work in, based on MacroVar analysis of the sector’s performance and news.
  • Your ultimate Job: use MacroVar job search engine to identify the ultimate job based on your skills by sector, industry, and location
  • Boost your Income: use MacroVar search engine of short-term projects to find, bid and execute projects online, to increase your income further.
  • Investing: Monitor Global economic conditions, financial markets, and risk to manage your investment portfolio for free.
  • Your Assets: Monitor real estate prices and trends on a country and local level using data gathered by real estate websites like Zillow and other economic indicators.

Get Free Access to MacroVar Analytics

Make the right financial and business decisions based on objective Financial & Economics data analytics to grow and protect wealth.

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