EURIBOR forward curve

MacroVar analyses the EURIBOR forward curve to monitor the market’s expectations for the ECB’s monetary policy actions (rate hikes/cuts) and its effects on financial markets and the Eurozone economic outlook.

Currently the Euribor forward curve shows a peak of interest rates in the fourth quarter of 2023, and a steady reduction in ECB rates.

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MacroVar presents below the market’s future expectations of interest rates in the eurozone represented by the 3 month Euribor futures and 1 month Eonia futures. The chart also presents the current ECB rate, German 2-year bond yield which can be used as a short-term gauge of ECB monetary policy actions and the German10-year bond yield which is used as a gauge of the market expectations on the Eurozone’s long-term inflation and economic outlook.

EURIBOR forward curve prediction

EURIBOR forward curve

What is the EURIBOR forward curve

The EURIBOR forward curve is a graphical representation of the market clearing forward rates for EURIBOR. EURIBOR forward curve is derived from data of EURIBOR swap rates. These forward curves are used to price EURIBOR-based derivatives.

The EURIBOR forward curve represents the market’s expectation of future interest rates. It represents the market’s net position between fixing and floating for various terms.