The global open-source Financial & Economic Indicators Database

The premier open source for financial and economic datasets, serving investment and business professionals. MacroVar delivers data from hundreds of sources via API, Excel or the Web interface. MacroVar offers free access to the majority of its database to the public.

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Create your free account, so that you can use our data via all tools, directly through our API, Excel or our web interface.

Search over 30,000 Financial, Economic and Social Datasets

Market Data

Pricing Data covering multiple financial assets and countries

Economic Data

Quantitative indicators of the entire global economy and individual countries

Alternative & Derived Data

Predictive data from alternative sources or derived data

MacroVar API

MacroVar API is only available to registered users. Sign Up free to get API access

Available Endpoints

  1. /search Returns all available securities and macroeconomic indicators - inputs: api_key, symbol and/or indicator name > returns list
  2. /markets Get the most recent data of a specific market - inputs: api_key, symbol (required), start (optional), end (optional) – returns data
  3. /macro Get the most recent data of a specific macroeconomic variable - inputs: api_key, symbol (required), start (optional), end (optional) – returns data
  4. /calendar Get list of calendar events - inputs: api_key, Start Date (optional), End Date (optional) - returns events
  5. /news Get list of news - inputs: api_key, Start Date (optional), End Date (optional) - returns news
  6. /strategies Get details of an investment strategy - inputs: api_key, strategy (optional) - returns investment strategy
  7. /content Get details on specific information - inputs: api_key, keywords - returns information on specific information
  8. /research Get latest research of MacroVar - inputs: api_key, keywords - returns latest research
  9. /countries Get a summary of country information - inputs: api_key, keywords - returns countries information
  10. /sectors Get a summary of sector information - inputs: api_key, keywords - returns sector information
  11. /risk Get a summary of risk information - inputs: api_key, keywords - returns risk information
Sample Python code

import requests
data = {'api_key':'1fe5d86a-4ca6-11ee-bc70-6cb311235740', 'query':'greece manufacturing pmi'}
r ='', json=data)

MacroVar Excel

Download MacroVar using MS Excel

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