South Korea unemployment rate

South Korea unemployment rate: 2.8 (7.69%)
Last Update: March 31, 2024

South Korea unemployment rate closed down 2.8 as of March 31, 2024 from 2.6 from the previous month and 2.7 from last year.

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South Korea unemployment rate

Date Values
2024-03-31 2.8
2024-02-29 2.6
2024-01-31 3
2023-12-31 3.3
2023-11-30 2.8
2023-10-31 2.5
2023-09-30 2.6
2023-08-31 2.4
2023-07-31 2.8
2023-06-30 2.6
2023-05-31 2.5
2023-04-30 2.6
2023-03-31 2.7
2023-02-28 2.6
2023-01-31 2.9
2022-12-31 2.7
2022-11-30 2.7
2022-10-31 2.7
2022-09-30 2.6
2022-08-31 2.5

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South Korea unemployment rate Statistics

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope Percentile Update
unemployment rate kr.unemploymentrate 2.8 2.6 8 4 UP UP 78 2024-03-31

South Korea unemployment rate Factors

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What is the South Korea unemployment rate


Welcome to our webpage dedicated to providing comprehensive insights into the South Korea unemployment rate. Here, we present up-to-date and historical data, trends, charts, and analytics to help you gain a deeper understanding of the unemployment situation in South Korea. Our user-friendly platform allows you to export historical data for free, enabling further analysis of this important economic indicator.

Understanding the South Korea Unemployment Rate:

The unemployment rate measures the percentage of individuals who are actively seeking employment but are unable to secure a job within the labor market. It serves as an essential indicator to assess the health of an economy, as low unemployment rates typically indicate a robust job market, economic growth, and consumer spending.

Current Data and Trends:

Our webpage continuously updates the South Korea unemployment rate, ensuring you have access to the most recent figures. By observing the current unemployment rate, you can gauge the immediate status of the labor market and identify prevailing trends. Through the use of interactive charts, you can visually analyze the unemployment rate's historical patterns, allowing for a better understanding of its trajectory.

Analytical Insights:

In addition to providing raw data and trends, we also offer analytical insights and interpretations of the South Korea unemployment rate. Our team of experts utilizes advanced economic models and data analysis techniques to derive meaningful conclusions from the available statistics. By delving into these insights, you can gain valuable knowledge about the factors influencing unemployment in South Korea and how it impacts other aspects of the economy.

MacroVar Signals and Analysis:

To further enhance your understanding of the South Korea unemployment rate, we offer the use of MacroVar signals, trends, and analysis. MacroVar is a sophisticated analytical tool that combines big data analytics and machine learning algorithms to identify leading indicators and provide trend analysis. By utilizing this tool, you can uncover early signals and anticipate changes in the unemployment rate, gaining a competitive edge in making informed decisions.

Export Historical Data:

Our webpage allows users to export historical data on the South Korea unemployment rate for free. This feature enables you to conduct in-depth analysis, backtest hypotheses, and integrate the data into your own models or presentations. By having access to historical data, you can identify long-term trends, compare sub-periods, and make informed predictions for the future.


Our webpage provides you with real-time and historical data, trends, and analytical insights on the South Korea unemployment rate. By exploring this information, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the current labor market conditions in South Korea. The ability to export historical data and leverage MacroVar signals and analysis further empowers you to make data-driven decisions in various domains, such as investment, business planning, policy-making, and research.

South Korea Financial Markets

Market Symbol Last Mom Trend Exh RSI 1D% 1W% 1M% 1Y%
KOSPI KOSPI 2494.28 0 -0.25 -0.17855 53.6566 -0.00822 -0.0109 0.02059 0.03571
South Korea ETF EWY 56.25 -1 -1 -2.00251 41.5579 0.02366 -0.00248 -0.02597 0.0857
Korean Won US Dollar (KRW/USD) KRWUSD 1334.34 -1 0.75 0.75369 41.5042 -0.01074 -0.01421 -0.00891 0.0135
South Korea 5-Year Bond Yield KR.5Y 3.719 -1 1 0.97655 42.5779 -0.00668 -0.03201 -0.00295 0.06531
South Korea 2-year bond yield KR.2Y 3.76 1 1 1.11385 54.38 -0.87 0.83 0.7 -0.4
South Korea Yield Curve KR.YC 0.266 -0.5 1 1.90389 49.4473 -0.10135 -0.32143 -0.07958 -10.8518
South Korea Credit Default Swaps CDS.South Korea 26.75 -0.5 -0.75 -1.47372 31.2202 0 0.00943 -0.10084 -0.50463
Export-Import Bank of Korea Credit Default Swaps CDS.Export-Import-Bank-of-Korea 39 -0.5 -0.75 -1.11528 43.6042 0.01299 0.00645 -0.025 -0.25
South Korea Macroeconomic Indicators

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope Percentile Update
balance of trade kr.balanceoftrade 1530 4290 -64 -156 Down UP 24 2024-04-30
bank lending rate kr.banks.lendingrate 5.17 5.12 1 33 UP UP 78 2023-06-30
business confidence kr.bizconfidence 73 71 3 4 UP UP 66 2024-04-30
capacity utilization kr.caputilization 102.7 102.4 0 3 UP UP 96 2024-03-31
capital flows kr.capitalflows 6916.7 2830.2 144 479 UP UP 98 2024-02-29
car registrations kr.carregistrations 125244 98253 27 -14 UP Down 14 2024-03-31
central bank balance sheet kr.cb.assets 511284 536402 -5 -8 Down Down 10 2024-01-31
consumer confidence kr.consconfidence 100.7 101.9 -1 12 UP UP 80 2024-02-29
consumer price index cpi kr.cpi 113.94 113.77 0 3 UP UP 78 2024-03-31
core inflation rate kr.coreinflationrate 2.42 2.57 -6 -19 Down Down 34 2023-01-31
current account kr.currentaccount 6858.3 3045.7 125 -965 UP UP 3 2024-04-30
current account to gdp kr.currentaccountgdp 1.3 1.8 -28 -69 Down Down 0 2024-01-31
deposit interest rate kr.depositrate 3.61 3.52 3 60 Down UP 70 2023-05-31
exports kr.exports 56200 56563 -1 11 UP UP 71 2024-07-31
external debt kr.externaldebt 663631 649322 2 22 UP UP 59 2023-12-31
fiscal expenditure kr.fiscalexp 520917 478607 9 -13 UP Down 12 2023-11-30
foreign direct investment kr.fdi 7049000 8771740 -20 49 Down UP 68 2024-03-31
foreign exchange reserves kr.fxreserves 419251 415738 1 -2 UP Down 31 2024-04-30
gdp kr.gdp 1665.25 1798.53 -7 46 UP UP 0 2022-12-31
Real GDP kr.realgdp 503403 500277 1 7 UP UP 20 2024-03-31
gdp growth kr.gdpgrowth 1.3 0.6 117 117 UP UP 93 2024-03-31
gdp growth annual kr.gdpgrowthan 3.4 2.2 55 79 UP UP 97 2024-03-31
gold reserves kr.goldres 104.45 104.45 0 0 Down Down 28 2024-03-31
government budget kr.govbudget -7 -5.2 35 536 Down Down 0 2022-01-31
Government budget kr.govbudgetvalue -19455 -10444 86 -62 UP UP 31 2023-11-30
government debt to gdp kr.govdebtgdp 49.6 46.9 6 61 UP UP 0 2022-01-31
government revenues kr.govrev 501462 468163 7 -8 UP Down 20 2023-11-30
housing index kr.housingindex 93.1 93.2 -0 -3 Down Down 40 2024-02-29
imports kr.imports 54700 52284 5 1 UP UP 56 2024-05-31
industrial production kr.indproduction 0.7 4.8 -85 -109 UP UP 57 2024-03-31
industrial production mom kr.indproductionmm -3.2 3.1 -203 -168 Down Down 35 2024-03-31
inflation cpi kr.inflationcpi 2.9 3.1 -6 -31 Down Down 43 2024-03-31
interbank rate kr.interbankrate 3.67 3.67 0 -1 Down Down 32 2023-08-15
interest rate kr.interestrate 3.5 3.5 0 56 UP UP 67 2023-07-13
loans to private sector kr.loanprivate 12624000 12544300 1 7 UP UP 26 2024-02-29
Manufacturing PMI kr.manpmi 49.4 49.8 -1 3 Down UP 67 2024-04-30
money supply m0 kr.msm0 171202000 171057000 0 5 UP UP 24 2024-02-29
money supply m1 kr.msm1 1217660 1223180 -0 2 UP UP 31 2024-02-29
money supply m2 kr.msm2 3929860 3924200 0 3 UP UP 13 2024-02-29
money supply m3 kr.msm3 5414710 5418240 -0 5 UP UP 24 2024-02-29
Producer Price Index kr.producerprices 122.46 122.21 0 2 UP UP 57 2024-03-31
PPI Index kr.producerpricesch 1.6 1.5 7 -67 UP Down 53 2024-02-29
retail sales MoM kr.retailsales 1.6 -3.1 -152 1500 UP UP 0 2024-03-31
retail sales kr.retailsalesan 0.9 -3.3 -127 125 UP UP 88 2024-02-29
unemployment rate kr.unemploymentrate 2.8 2.6 8 4 UP UP 78 2024-03-31
youth unemployment rate kr.ytunemploymentrate 6.4 6.3 2 -9 UP Down 51 2024-02-29