Argentina Government budget

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Argentina Government budget: 1232524.5 (-38.7%)
Last Update: December 31, 2023

Argentina Government budget closed down 1232524.5 as of December 31, 2023 from 2010745.5 from the previous month and -441512 from last year.

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Argentina Government budget

Date Values
2023-12-31 1232524.5
2023-11-30 2010745.5
2023-10-31 -1991316.1
2023-09-30 -210484.4
2023-08-31 -36964.4
2023-07-31 -334366
2023-06-30 -611742.5
2023-05-31 -247650.9
2023-04-30 -331372.8
2023-03-31 -257855.5
2023-02-28 -228134
2023-01-31 -203938.3
2022-12-31 -441512
2022-11-30 -227838.3
2022-10-31 -103049.1
2022-09-30 80624.3
2022-08-31 -210051.8
2022-07-31 -1945.3
2022-06-30 -321644.4
2022-05-31 -162411.7

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Argentina Government budget Statistics

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope Percentile Update
Government budget ar.govbudgetvalue 1232520 2010750 -39 -379 UP UP 18 2023-12-31

Argentina Government budget Factors

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What is the Argentina Government budget

Welcome to our Argentina Government Budget page, which provides you with the most up-to-date and historical data, trends, signals, analytics, and charts related to the country's budget.

What is the Argentina Government Budget? The Argentina Government Budget represents the financial plan and strategy adopted by the national government to manage its revenue and expenditures. It is a crucial tool for understanding the priorities and goals set by the government, as well as their impact on the economy and society.

Interpreting the Argentina Government Budget: Analyzing the government budget can provide valuable insights into the country's economic health, fiscal policies, and potential opportunities or challenges. Here are a few key elements to consider when interpreting the budget:

1. Revenue Sources: Examine the various revenue streams, such as taxation, tariffs, and other income sources, to understand how the government generates funds. This can help identify the sectors contributing the most to the budget and assess the overall tax burden.

2. Expenditure Allocation: Analyze how the government allocates its resources across different sectors, including healthcare, education, defense, infrastructure, and social welfare. This can reveal the government's priorities and potential areas for increased investment or austerity measures.

3. Fiscal Deficit/Surplus: Assess the gap between the government's revenue and expenditures. A deficit indicates that the government is spending more than it earns, while a surplus suggests the opposite. Understanding the size and trend of the deficit/surplus is crucial for evaluating the government's fiscal discipline.

4. Debt and Borrowing: Explore the government's borrowing activities, including domestic and foreign debt. Tracking debt levels and interest payments is essential to gauge the country's ability to manage its financial obligations.

Our webpage offers a comprehensive set of tools and resources to help you analyze and understand the Argentina Government Budget:

1. Current and Historical Data: Access the latest budget data as well as historical records to identify trends and changes over time. All data is regularly updated, ensuring the information is accurate and reliable.

2. Trends and Signals: Our analytics tools highlight patterns, trends, and key indicators within the budget data, enabling you to identify significant developments and make informed decisions.

3. Charts and Visualizations: Visual representations of the budget data through charts and graphs make it easier to grasp complex concepts and spot meaningful insights.

4. Export Historical Data: Download historical budget data for free, allowing you to conduct further analysis using your preferred software or tools.

5. MacroVar Signals: Leverage our MacroVar signals, trends, and analysis to enhance your understanding of the Argentina Government Budget. These insights provide additional context and help you identify correlations with other economic factors.

In conclusion, our Argentina Government Budget webpage offers a comprehensive and intuitive platform for interpreting and analyzing the country's financial plans. With current and historical data, trends, analytics, and charts, you can gain valuable insights and make informed decisions. Take advantage of our free export feature and MacroVar signals to delve even deeper into the analysis.

Argentina Financial Markets

Market Symbol Last Mom Trend Exh RSI 1D% 1W% 1M% 1Y%
Argentina Macroeconomic Indicators

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope Percentile Update
balance of trade ar.balanceoftrade -793 -974 -19 -158 Down Down 22 2023-11-30
capacity utilization ar.caputilization 57.6 54.6 5 -11 Down Down 12 2024-02-29
car registrations ar.carregistrations 30176 33234 -9 89191 UP UP 100 2024-04-30
central bank balance sheet ar.cb.assets 173224000 159933000 8 -99 Down Down 8 2024-03-31
consumer confidence ar.consconfidence 37.17 36.68 1 0 Down UP 49 2024-04-30
consumer price index cpi ar.cpi 5357.09 4825.79 11 288 UP UP 100 2024-03-31
current account ar.currentaccount -3420.05 -5951.75 -43 177 Down Down 85 2023-12-31
current account to gdp ar.currentaccountgdp -0.6 -0.7 -14 100 UP Down 0 2022-01-31
deposit interest rate ar.depositrate 93.29 93.59 0 1 UP UP 65 2023-08-15
exports ar.exports 5385 5751 -6 -32 Down Down 5 2023-10-31
external debt ar.externaldebt 285951 284331 1 5 UP UP 42 2023-12-31
fiscal expenditure ar.fiscalexp 805790 832709 -3 94 UP UP 96 2020-08-31
foreign exchange reserves ar.fxreserves 21719 20866 4 -33 Down Down 23 2024-02-29
Real GDP ar.realgdp 700911 721388 -3 9 Down UP 80 2023-12-31
gdp growth annual ar.gdpgrowthan -1.4 -0.8 75 -67 Down UP 70 2023-12-31
gold reserves ar.goldres 61.74 54.77 13 0 UP Down 43 2022-03-31
government budget ar.govbudget -2.4 -3.1 -23 -1300 UP Down 0 2022-01-31
Government budget ar.govbudgetvalue 1232520 2010750 -39 -379 UP UP 18 2023-12-31
government debt to gdp ar.govdebtgdp 85 80.6 5 95 UP UP 0 2022-01-31
government revenues ar.govrev 6317840 6749890 -6 147 UP UP 97 2023-12-31
imports ar.imports 5839 6525 -11 -4 Down Down 52 2023-10-31
industrial production ar.indproduction -9.9 -12.4 -20 519 Down Down 98 2024-02-29
industrial production mom ar.indproductionmm -0.7 -1.3 -46 -200 Down Down 30 2024-01-31
inflation expectations ar.inflationexp 70 100 -30 -10 Down Down 6 2023-09-30
interbank rate ar.interbankrate 85.94 84.6 2 99 UP UP 65 2023-07-31
interest rate ar.interestrate 118 97 22 57 UP UP 85 2023-08-15
money supply m0 ar.msm0 12463700 10541500 18 132 UP UP 100 2024-04-30
money supply m1 ar.msm1 21506400 19107500 13 163 UP UP 100 2024-01-31
money supply m2 ar.msm2 36929500 35419100 4 189 UP UP 100 2024-01-31
money supply m3 ar.msm3 58005500 52667300 10 147 UP UP 98 2024-01-31
Producer Price Index ar.producerprices 8832.74 8409.37 5 312 UP UP 100 2024-03-31
PPI Index ar.producerpricesch 311.7 305.6 2 226 UP UP 0 2024-03-31
retail sales MoM ar.retailsales 25.9 -14.5 -279 4 UP UP 72 2015-10-31
retail sales ar.retailsalesan 181.2 165.3 10 36 UP UP 75 2024-02-29
unemployment rate ar.unemploymentrate 5.7 5.7 0 -51 Down Down 3 2023-09-30