Czech Republic imports

Czech Republic imports: 415363 (10.03%)
Last Update: October 31, 2024

Czech Republic imports closed down 415363 as of October 31, 2024 from 377486 from the previous month and 391321 from last year.

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Czech Republic imports closing prices of the last 24 values are displayed below. Sign up free to download the full historical data series using MacroVar Web/Excel or API.

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Czech Republic imports

Date Values
2024-10-31 415363
2024-09-30 377486
2024-08-31 356788
2024-07-31 359898
2024-06-30 356296
2024-05-31 371907
2024-04-30 388746
2024-03-31 370146
2024-02-29 362510
2024-01-31 346766
2023-12-31 314188
2023-11-30 372808
2023-10-31 391321
2023-09-30 355522
2023-08-31 338573
2023-07-31 321254
2023-06-30 382665
2023-05-31 371369
2023-04-30 337919
2023-03-31 401396
2023-02-28 342576
2023-01-31 366510
2022-12-31 344019
2022-11-30 440729

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Czech Republic imports Statistics

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope Percentile Update
imports cz.imports 415363.0 377486 10 6 UP UP 62 2024-10-31

Czech Republic imports Quantitative Analysis, Charts & Factors

MacroVar monitor of financial and macroeconomic statistical factors affecting Czech Republic imports is only available to Premium users.

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Czech Republic imports Historical Data

The MacroVar database offers free access to historical data for the Czech Republic imports, dating back to 1950. This extensive dataset is readily available through MacroVar versatile platforms, including a user-friendly web interface, a robust Python API, and convenient Excel integration. By leveraging these tools, users can efficiently retrieve and analyze decades of Czech Republic imports data, supporting a wide range of research, financial analysis, and decision-making processes.

What is the Czech Republic imports

The Czech Republic is a country that relies heavily on imports to meet the needs of its population. Due to its relatively small size and limited resources, the country must import a wide range of goods and products in order to sustain its economy and provide for its people. This includes items such as machinery, electronics, vehicles, and food products. The Czech Republic imports goods from a variety of countries, with Germany, China, and Slovakia being some of its largest trading partners. By importing goods from other countries, the Czech Republic is able to access a wider range of products and services, helping to support its economy and meet the needs of its population.

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