Lithuania unemployment rate

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Lithuania unemployment rate: 9.3 (2.2%)
Last Update: January 31, 2024

Lithuania unemployment rate closed down 9.3 as of January 31, 2024 from 9.1 from the previous month and 9.2 from last year.

Lithuania unemployment rate Analytics & Data

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Lithuania unemployment rate

Date Values
2024-01-31 9.3
2023-12-31 9.1
2023-11-30 8.4
2023-10-31 8.2
2023-09-30 8.3
2023-08-31 8.4
2023-07-31 8.6
2023-06-30 8.1
2023-05-31 8.3
2023-04-30 9
2023-03-31 9
2023-02-28 9.1
2023-01-31 9.2
2022-12-31 8.9
2022-11-30 8.3
2022-10-31 8.3
2022-09-30 8.1
2022-08-26 8.6
2022-07-31 9.1
2022-06-30 8.6

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Lithuania unemployment rate Statistics

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope Percentile Update
unemployment rate lt.unemploymentrate 9.1 8.4 8 12 UP UP 77 2023-09-30

Lithuania unemployment rate Factors

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What is the Lithuania unemployment rate

Welcome to the Lithuania Unemployment Rate webpage! Here, you will find a comprehensive overview of the current and historical data, trends, signals, and analytics for the unemployment rate in Lithuania. Our goal is to assist users in understanding the state of the labor market in Lithuania and guide them in making informed decisions.

What is the Lithuania Unemployment Rate? The Lithuania Unemployment Rate measures the percentage of the total labor force that is unemployed and actively seeking employment. It is a crucial indicator of economic health, reflecting the availability of job opportunities and the economic activity of the country.

How to Interpret the Lithuania Unemployment Rate? The unemployment rate represents the proportion of the labor force that is unable to secure employment. A lower unemployment rate indicates a healthier labor market and a robust economy, as more individuals are gainfully employed. Conversely, a higher unemployment rate signifies labor market difficulties, resulting in reduced consumer spending and slower economic growth.

Current and Historical Data: On this webpage, you will find the most up-to-date Lithuania Unemployment Rate data. The data is continuously updated and sourced from reputable national statistical agencies. We present the unemployment rate on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis to provide a comprehensive view of the labor market dynamics.

Trends and Signals: We analyze the unemployment rate trends using advanced statistical models to identify patterns and underlying signals. Our expert team regularly reviews and updates the trends section to ensure accurate interpretations of the data. By identifying emerging trends, users can gain insights into potential shifts in the labor market and adapt their strategies accordingly.

Analytics and Charts: We offer interactive charts and visualizations that enable users to explore the unemployment rate data further. These charts provide a comprehensive overview of the unemployment rate over time and facilitate comparisons with other economic indicators. Users can customize the charts by selecting specific time periods, add additional data series, and download the visuals for their own presentations or reports.

Export Historical Data: For a more in-depth analysis, users have the option to export historical data for free. This feature allows individuals, researchers, and analysts to conduct their own assessments, build models, and perform additional analysis using their preferred tools. Exported data can be utilized to discover correlations, establish relationships, and generate valuable insights.

MacroVar Signals and Analysis: To enhance the usability of the Lithuania Unemployment Rate data, we provide exclusive access to our proprietary MacroVar signals and analysis. MacroVar is an advanced analytical tool that offers predictions, forecasts, and other statistical insights based on historical data patterns. Users can leverage MacroVar's predictive capabilities to anticipate future labor market trends and make informed decisions accordingly.

We encourage utilization of our data, charts, trends, and signals to gain a deeper understanding of the Lithuania Unemployment Rate. Whether you are an economist, researcher, policymaker, or business professional, our comprehensive and accessible information will assist you in navigating the labor market landscape and making well-informed decisions.

Lithuania Financial Markets

Market Symbol Last Mom Trend Exh RSI 1D% 1W% 1M% 1Y%
Lithuania Macroeconomic Indicators

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope Percentile Update
balance of trade lt.balanceoftrade -289.9 -258.8 12 -66 UP UP 32 2023-09-30
banks balance sheet 64740 64332.3 1 12 UP UP 36 2024-03-31
business confidence lt.bizconfidence -6.3 -7.7 -18 -62 UP UP 52 2024-02-29
capacity utilization lt.caputilization 70.7 68.6 3 -2 Down Down 28 2024-03-31
car registrations lt.carregistrations 2291 2009 14 -10 UP Down 33 2024-03-31
central bank balance sheet lt.cb.assets 30588.9 30627.2 -0 4 UP UP 51 2024-03-31
consumer confidence lt.consconfidence 4 3 33 -233 UP UP 27 2024-02-29
consumer price index cpi lt.cpi 152.79 153.08 -0 1 UP UP 15 2024-02-29
core inflation rate lt.coreinflationrate 3.8 4.6 -17 -69 Down Down 2 2024-02-29
current account lt.currentaccount 560.4 305.7 83 445 UP UP 90 2024-04-30
current account to gdp lt.currentaccountgdp 1.9 -5.5 -135 -151 UP UP 0 2023-01-31
exports lt.exports 3391.6 3329.8 2 -22 Down Down 4 2023-09-30
external debt lt.externaldebt 49233.3 47497.7 4 36 UP UP 83 2023-12-31
fiscal expenditure lt.fiscalexp 8703.5 6146.06 42 29 UP UP 70 2023-12-31
foreign exchange reserves lt.fxreserves 5066.9 5053.4 0 -11 Down Down 5 2024-03-31
gdp lt.gdp 70.97 66.8 6 63 UP UP 0 2023-01-31
Real GDP lt.realgdp 11835.6 11863 -0 3 UP UP 17 2024-09-30
gdp growth lt.gdpgrowth -0.1 0 0 -106 Down Down 23 2024-09-30
gdp growth annual lt.gdpgrowthan -0.1 0.2 -150 -101 Down Down 27 2024-06-30
gold reserves lt.goldres 5.82 5.82 0 0 UP Down 42 2021-06-30
government budget lt.govbudget -0.8 -0.6 33 -91 UP UP 0 2023-01-31
Government budget lt.govbudgetvalue -1262.78 195.41 -746 -28 Down UP 58 2023-12-31
government debt lt.govdebt 28263.2 26604.1 6 11 UP UP 60 2024-02-29
government debt to gdp lt.govdebtgdp 38.3 38.1 1 3 Down UP 0 2023-01-31
government revenues lt.govrev 7440.72 6341.47 17 50 UP UP 97 2023-12-31
imports lt.imports 3681.5 3588.6 3 -29 Down Down 3 2023-09-30
industrial production lt.indproduction -3.4 4.1 -183 -77 Down UP 0 2024-03-31
industrial production mom lt.indproductionmm 3.2 -2.8 -214 129 UP UP 85 2024-03-31
inflation cpi lt.inflationcpi 0 0.7 -100 -100 Down Down 2 2024-02-29
interbank rate lt.interbankrate 3.6718 3.54 4 9932 UP UP 100 2023-07-31
loans to private sector lt.loanprivate 10926.5 10622.7 3 7 UP UP 68 2024-03-31
long term unemployment rate lt.ltunemploymentrate 2 3 -33 -13 Down Down 55 2023-06-30
money supply m0 lt.msm0 8131.4 8133.5 -0 3 UP UP 29 2024-03-31
money supply m1 lt.msm1 34422.8 34208.1 1 -8 UP Down 10 2024-03-31
money supply m2 lt.msm2 52361.4 52072.4 1 4 UP UP 10 2024-03-31
money supply m3 lt.msm3 52278.5 51969.8 1 4 UP UP 11 2024-03-31
Producer Price Index lt.producerprices 121.4 122 -0 -9 Down Down 18 2024-03-31
PPI Index lt.producerpricesch -3.4 -4.8 -29 -150 UP Down 30 2024-03-31
retail sales MoM lt.retailsales 1.2 0.8 50 -700 UP UP 5 2024-04-30
retail sales lt.retailsalesan 4.7 -0.2 -2450 -212 UP UP 17 2024-03-31
unemployment rate lt.unemploymentrate 9.1 8.4 8 12 UP UP 77 2023-09-30
youth unemployment rate lt.ytunemploymentrate 16.6 16.2 2 24 UP UP 68 2024-01-31
Construction Confidence lt.esi.constr -12.4 -13.2 -600 200 Down Down 5000 2024-01-22
Consumer Confidence lt.esi.cons -0.5 -0.5 0 -9400 UP UP 0 2024-01-22
Industrial Confidence -11.2 -13.2 -1500 400 UP Down 5700 2024-01-22
Retail Confidence lt.esi.ret 0.8 0 0 -11800 Down UP 4500 2024-01-22
Services Confidence lt.esi.serv -3.9 -1.1 25500 -4300 Down UP 6200 2024-01-22
ESI - Economic Composite lt.esi.conf 92.6 93.2 -1 -7 Down Down 32 2023-06-30