North Macedonia government budget

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North Macedonia government budget: -4.8 (6.67%)
Last Update: January 31, 2024

North Macedonia government budget closed down -4.8 as of January 31, 2024 from -4.5 from the previous month and -3.8 from last year.

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North Macedonia government budget

Date Values
2024-01-31 -4.8
2023-01-31 -4.5
2022-01-31 -5.4
2021-01-31 -5.4
2020-01-31 -8.1
2019-01-31 -2.1
2018-01-31 -1.8
2017-01-31 -2.7
2016-01-31 -2.6
2015-01-31 -3.5
2014-01-31 -4.2
2013-01-31 -3.8
2012-01-31 -3.8
2011-01-31 -2.5
2010-01-31 -2.4
2009-01-31 -2.6
2008-01-31 -0.9
2007-01-31 0.6
2006-01-31 -0.5
2005-01-31 0.2

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North Macedonia government budget Statistics

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope Percentile Update
government budget mk.govbudget -4.8 -4.5 7 26 Down Down 0 2024-01-31

North Macedonia government budget Factors

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What is the North Macedonia government budget

Welcome to our webpage showcasing current and historical data, trends and signals, analytics, and charts for the North Macedonia government budget.

What is the North Macedonia government budget? The North Macedonia government budget refers to the financial plan outlining the government's expected revenues and expenditures for a specific period, usually a fiscal year. It provides a comprehensive picture of how the government plans to allocate its financial resources to various sectors and programs, including education, healthcare, infrastructure, defense, and social welfare.

Interpreting the North Macedonia government budget: Analyzing the government budget helps understand the priorities and policies of the North Macedonia government. It provides valuable insights into the economy's overall health, fiscal discipline, and the government's objectives. By studying the allocations and trends, various stakeholders, including investors, businesses, and policymakers, can gain a better understanding of the government's financial decisions and their potential impact on the economy.

Our webpage provides an extensive range of data and tools to assist users in comprehending and utilizing the North Macedonia government budget information effectively:

1. Current and Historical Data: Access up-to-date and historical budgetary figures, including revenue sources, expenditures by sector, and overall budgetary balance. Our comprehensive database allows users to analyze the budget data over several years to identify trends and patterns.

2. Trends and Signals: We highlight significant trends and signals within the North Macedonia government budget. Our analysis helps users identify emerging patterns, budgetary anomalies, and potential areas of concern. Utilize this information to make informed decisions and better understand the implications for various sectors and the overall economy.

3. Analytics and Charts: Visualize the budget data through interactive charts and graphs. Our user-friendly interface allows you to customize the visual representation of the data, making it easier to interpret and compare different budget items and timeframes. Dive deeper into specific sectors or revenue sources to gain greater insights.

4. Export Historical Data: Export historical budget data for your own analysis, free of charge. This feature enables users to perform their own in-depth assessments, conduct further research, and generate customized reports or presentations.

5. MacroVar Signals and Analysis: Leverage our MacroVar signals, trends, and analysis tool to gain expert insights into the North Macedonia government budget. Our team of economists and analysts constantly monitor the budget data, identify key trends, and provide detailed analysis. Stay informed about the latest developments and benefit from cutting-edge research.

Whether you are an investor, policymaker, researcher, or analyst, our webpage provides you with the essential tools and information to interpret and utilize the North Macedonia government budget data effectively. Stay informed, make informed decisions, and contribute to a better understanding of the country's financial landscape.

North Macedonia Financial Markets

Market Symbol Last Mom Trend Exh RSI 1D% 1W% 1M% 1Y%
North Macedonia Macroeconomic Indicators

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope Percentile Update
balance of trade mk.balanceoftrade -291484 -222797 31 1 Down Down 42 2023-11-30
banks balance sheet 854098 859792 -1 7 UP UP 34 2024-03-31
building permits mk.buildingpermits 387 256 51 10 UP UP 61 2024-02-29
business confidence mk.bizconfidence 24.4 24.7 -1 -10 Down Down 34 2022-12-31
central bank balance sheet mk.cb.assets 314996 317980 -1 8 UP UP 49 2024-03-31
consumer price index cpi mk.cpi 150.93 149.6 1 4 UP UP 57 2024-03-31
current account mk.currentaccount -121.8 260.8 -147 125 Down Down 85 2023-10-31
current account to gdp mk.currentaccountgdp -1.4 -5.9 -76 -44 UP UP 0 2023-01-31
deposit interest rate mk.depositrate 3.9 3.9 0 875 UP UP 89 2023-07-31
exports mk.exports 788837 605139 30 5 UP UP 50 2023-09-30
external debt mk.externaldebt 11462.7 11076.2 3 34 UP UP 61 2023-12-31
fiscal expenditure mk.fiscalexp 28859 26948 7 12 Down UP 61 2024-03-31
gdp mk.gdp 13.88 12.12 15 48 UP UP 0 2021-01-31
Real GDP mk.realgdp 233043 215062 8 24 UP UP 85 2023-12-31
gdp growth annual mk.gdpgrowthan 0.9 1 -10 -229 Down UP 12 2023-12-31
gold reserves mk.goldres 6.89 6.89 0 0 Down Down 32 2021-06-30
government budget mk.govbudget -4.8 -4.5 7 26 Down Down 0 2024-01-31
Government budget mk.govbudgetvalue -5666 -5500 3 -364 Down Down 10 2024-03-31
government debt mk.govdebt 7256.2 6936.4 5 32 UP UP 0 2023-12-31
government debt to gdp mk.govdebtgdp 50 51 -2 81 UP UP 0 2023-01-31
government revenues mk.govrev 23193 21448 8 -17 Down Down 5 2024-03-31
imports mk.imports 1011630 943139 7 -8 UP Down 11 2023-09-30
industrial production mk.indproduction -10.4 0.3 -3567 -1140 Down Down 7 2024-02-29
inflation cpi mk.inflationcpi 4 3 33 -69 Down Down 25 2024-04-30
interest rate mk.interestrate 6 6 0 140 UP UP 84 2023-07-31
lending rate mk.lendingrate 6.5 6.5 0 117 UP UP 84 2023-07-31
long term unemployment rate mk.ltunemploymentrate 12.5 12.4 1 -18 Down Down 0 2021-03-31
money supply m0 mk.msm0 49336.4 48597.4 2 9 UP UP 57 2024-03-31
money supply m1 mk.msm1 251411 254577 -1 11 UP UP 37 2024-03-31
money supply m2 mk.msm2 466962 472471 -1 6 UP UP 22 2024-03-31
Producer Price Index mk.producerprices 113.6 113.2 0 -19 Down Down 4 2024-03-31
PPI Index mk.producerpricesch -2.2 -2.9 -24 -121 Down Down 25 2024-02-29
retail sales yoy mk.retailsalesan -0.4 4.8 -108 -104 UP Down 62 2024-03-31
unemployment rate mk.unemploymentrate 13 12.8 2 -19 Down Down 40 2023-12-31
Construction sector mk.esi.constr -11.5 -15.3 -25 -7 UP UP 40 2023-06-30
Consumer sector mk.esi.cons -25.9 -26.8 -3 -38 UP UP 13 2023-06-30
Manufacturing sector -2.5 -0.3 733 -53 Down UP 0 2023-06-30
Retail sector mk.esi.ret 3 -1.7 -276 -127 UP UP 28 2023-06-30
Services sector mk.esi.serv 16.4 16.5 -1 865 UP UP 100 2023-06-30
ESI - Economic Composite mk.esi.conf 89.4 87.6 2 14 Down UP 83 2022-02-28