Peru current account to gdp

Peru current account to gdp: 0.6 (-115%)
Last Update: January 31, 2023

Peru current account to gdp closed down 0.6 as of January 31, 2023 from -4 from the previous month and -1.86 from last year.

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Peru current account to gdp

Date Values
2023-01-31 0.6
2022-01-31 -4
2021-01-31 -2.9
2020-01-31 0.7
2019-01-31 -1.2
2018-01-31 -1.7
2017-01-31 -1.2
2016-01-31 -2.7
2015-01-31 -4.39
2014-01-31 -3.99
2013-01-31 -4.28
2012-01-31 -2.75
2011-01-31 -1.86
2010-01-31 -2.38
2009-01-31 -0.5
2008-01-31 -4.34
2007-01-31 1.49
2006-01-31 3.31
2005-01-31 1.55
2004-01-31 0.09

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Peru current account to gdp Statistics

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope Percentile Update
current account to gdp pe.currentaccountgdp 0.6 -4 -115 -132 UP UP 0 2023-01-31

Peru current account to gdp Factors

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What is the Peru current account to gdp

Introduction: Welcome to our webpage showcasing crucial data and analysis of Peru's current account to GDP ratio. This essential economic indicator provides a comprehensive view of the country's international trade and financial transactions relative to its overall economy. Gain valuable insights into Peru's economic performance, historical trends, and key signals to make informed business decisions. Our user-friendly interface allows you to explore and export data while utilizing our advanced tools for analysis and forecasting.

What is Peru's Current Account to GDP Ratio? The current account to GDP ratio measures the balance between a country's current account (including trade balance, income balance, and transfer balance) and its Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It reflects the percentage of a nation's GDP represented by international transactions, including exports, imports, foreign investments, and remittances.

Interpreting the Current Account to GDP Ratio: 1. Positive Ratio: A higher current account to GDP ratio indicates that the value of a country's exports and income received from abroad exceeds its imports and income paid to foreign sources. This implies a favorable position, reflecting strong international competitiveness and potentially contributing to economic growth.

2. Negative Ratio: Conversely, a lower current account to GDP ratio suggests that a country is spending more on imports and income transfers compared to its earnings from exports and foreign investments. This may signal an economic imbalance, indicating potential vulnerabilities in terms of trade deficit and dependency on foreign inflows.

Analyzing Trends and Historical Data: Our webpage offers an array of charts, tables, and historical data to help you examine Peru's current account to GDP ratio over time. Identify long-term patterns, spot cyclical fluctuations, and observe the impact of major economic events and policy changes. By studying these trends, you can discern potential risks, opportunities, and development strategies.

Utilizing MacroVar Signals, Trends, and Analysis: For a more comprehensive analysis, leverage our proprietary MacroVar signals, trends, and analysis tools. These robust models incorporate various economic factors, alongside the current account to GDP ratio, providing comprehensive insights and forecasts. Stay ahead of the curve by anticipating economic trends, business cycle shifts, and policy impacts.

Export Historical Data for Further Analysis: We offer free and easy data exports, enabling you to conduct your in-depth analysis beyond our platform. Whether you are an economist, researcher, or business professional, utilize our downloadable data for academic projects, market research, investment strategies, and comprehensive economic reports.

Conclusion: Our webpage provides a wealth of valuable information on Peru's current account to GDP ratio. Gain a deeper understanding of the country's economic performance, historical trends, and potential future developments. Explore, analyze, and leverage our data, charts, and tools to make informed decisions and stay ahead in the ever-changing global economic landscape.

Peru Financial Markets

Market Symbol Last Mom Trend Exh RSI 1D% 1W% 1M% 1Y%
Bolsa de Valores de Lima SAA (BVL) BVL 22177.3 0.5 -1 -0.17183 53.2161 0.00181 -0.00353 0.00534 -0.01379
Peru Capped ETF EPU 29.21 0.5 -1 -1.22399 45.4524 0.01248 0.0094 0.00516 0.11191
Peru Sol US Dollar (PEN/USD) PENUSD 0.2616 0.5 -0.75 -0.93971 53.09 -0.00872 0.01356 0.0023 0.00307
Peru Credit Default Swaps CDS.Peru 53.25 -1 -0.75 -0.81011 36.4347 -4.91 -17.44 -11.25 0.31373
Peru Macroeconomic Indicators

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope Percentile Update
balance of trade pe.balanceoftrade 1473 2039.8 -28 23 UP UP 55 2024-01-31
bank lending rate pe.banks.lendingrate 0.76 0.709 7 35 UP UP 93 2023-07-31
business confidence pe.bizconfidence 50.8 47.2 8 18 UP UP 82 2024-03-31
capacity utilization pe.caputilization 32.08 36.64 -12 7 Down UP 97 2016-01-31
consumer confidence pe.consconfidence 90 95 -5 5 Down UP 71 2019-08-31
consumer price index cpi pe.cpi 113.75 112.62 1 3 UP UP 64 2024-03-31
core inflation rate pe.coreinflationrate 4.01 4.24 -5 -39 Down Down 2 2024-02-29
current account pe.currentaccount 1633.81 436.92 274 34 UP UP 63 2023-12-31
current account to gdp pe.currentaccountgdp 0.6 -4 -115 -132 UP UP 0 2023-01-31
deposit interest rate pe.depositrate 4.82 0.7 589 126 UP UP 0 2022-12-31
exports pe.exports 5620.3 5467.7 3 -1 UP Down 43 2023-09-30
external debt pe.externaldebt 105696 102754 3 20 UP UP 29 2023-12-31
fiscal expenditure pe.fiscalexp 15762.1 12414 27 12 UP UP 64 2024-02-29
foreign exchange reserves pe.fxreserves 73967 74062 -0 2 UP UP 48 2024-03-31
Real GDP pe.realgdp 148879 142260 5 5 UP UP 20 2023-12-31
gdp growth annual pe.gdpgrowthan -0.4 -1 -60 -78 Down UP 18 2023-12-31
gold reserves pe.goldres 34.68 34.7 0 0 Down Down 51 2020-09-30
government budget pe.govbudget -1.7 -2.5 -32 750 Down Down 0 2022-01-31
Government budget pe.govbudgetvalue -6566.33 1459.99 -550 156 Down Down 85 2024-02-29
government debt to gdp pe.govdebtgdp 33.8 35.9 -6 33 UP UP 0 2022-01-31
government revenues pe.govrev 13103.4 15805.6 -17 -4 Down Down 34 2024-02-29
imports pe.imports 4420.5 4025.2 10 -16 UP Down 17 2023-08-31
industrial production pe.indproduction -4.8 -9.57 -50 -371 UP Down 17 2024-01-31
interbank rate pe.interbankrate 0.81 0.81 0 0 Down Down 51 2023-08-15
interest rate pe.interestrate 7.75 7.75 0 19 UP UP 60 2023-08-10
loans to private sector pe.loanprivate 241243 244829 -1 -4 Down Down 4 2024-02-29
money supply m0 pe.msm0 74517 74991 -1 -933 Down UP 2 2023-12-31
money supply m1 pe.msm1 139633 137971 1 174 UP UP 100 2023-12-31
money supply m2 pe.msm2 302352 301722 0 54 UP UP 98 2023-12-31
Producer Price Index pe.producerprices 131.76 132.31 -0 -3 Down Down 2 2024-03-31
unemployment rate pe.unemploymentrate 7.7 7.3 5 5 UP UP 78 2024-02-29