Portugal government debt

Portugal government debt: 263085 (-6.02%)
Last Update: December 31, 2023

Portugal government debt closed down 263085 as of December 31, 2023 from 279951 from the previous month and 270492 from last year.

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Portugal government debt

Date Values
2023-12-31 263085
2023-09-30 279951
2023-06-30 279976
2023-03-31 279303
2022-12-31 272586
2022-09-30 279894
2022-06-30 280663
2022-03-31 275995
2021-12-31 269232
2021-09-30 271538
2021-06-30 277508
2021-03-31 275285
2020-12-31 270492
2020-09-30 267011
2020-06-30 259887
2020-03-31 254769
2019-12-31 249980
2019-09-30 252278
2019-06-30 251348
2019-03-31 250358
2018-12-31 244906
2018-09-30 248896
2018-06-30 246790
2018-03-31 246004

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Portugal government debt Statistics

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope Percentile Update
government debt pt.govdebt 263085.0 279951 -6 -3 Down Down 2 2023-12-31

Portugal government debt Quantitative Analysis, Charts & Factors

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Portugal government debt Historical Data

The MacroVar database offers free access to historical data for the Portugal government debt, dating back to 1950. This extensive dataset is readily available through MacroVar versatile platforms, including a user-friendly web interface, a robust Python API, and convenient Excel integration. By leveraging these tools, users can efficiently retrieve and analyze decades of Portugal government debt data, supporting a wide range of research, financial analysis, and decision-making processes.

What is the Portugal government debt

Portugal's government debt refers to the amount of money that the Portuguese government owes to its creditors. This debt is usually issued in the form of bonds and other securities, which investors can purchase in order to lend money to the government. The level of government debt in Portugal has been a topic of concern in recent years, as high levels of debt can lead to economic instability and potentially compromise the government's ability to repay its debts. In response to these concerns, the Portuguese government has implemented various measures to reduce its debt levels, such as implementing austerity measures and seeking financial assistance from international organizations like the European Union.