South Africa car registrations

South Africa car registrations: 26928 (10.51%)
Last Update: June 30, 2024

South Africa car registrations closed down 26928 as of June 30, 2024 from 24367 from the previous month and 29817 from last year.

South Africa car registrations Analytics & Data

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South Africa car registrations closing prices of the last 24 values are displayed below. Sign up free to download the full historical data series using MacroVar Web/Excel or API.

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South Africa car registrations

Date Values
2024-06-30 26928
2024-05-31 24367
2024-04-30 25896
2024-03-31 26819
2024-02-29 28883
2024-01-31 29360
2023-12-31 27535
2023-11-30 29201
2023-10-31 29938
2023-09-30 29646
2023-08-31 29003
2023-07-31 28040
2023-06-30 29817
2023-05-31 27542
2023-04-30 24359
2023-03-31 31601
2023-02-28 29976
2023-01-31 31072
2022-12-31 28793
2022-11-30 32859
2022-10-31 30597
2022-09-30 32392
2022-08-31 31269
2022-07-31 31266

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South Africa car registrations Statistics

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope Percentile Update
car registrations za.carregistrations 26928.0 24367 11 -10 Down Down 28 2024-06-30

South Africa car registrations Quantitative Analysis, Charts & Factors

MacroVar monitor of financial and macroeconomic statistical factors affecting South Africa car registrations is only available to Premium users.

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South Africa car registrations Historical Data

The MacroVar database offers free access to historical data for the South Africa car registrations, dating back to 1950. This extensive dataset is readily available through MacroVar versatile platforms, including a user-friendly web interface, a robust Python API, and convenient Excel integration. By leveraging these tools, users can efficiently retrieve and analyze decades of South Africa car registrations data, supporting a wide range of research, financial analysis, and decision-making processes.

What is the South Africa car registrations

In South Africa, car registrations are a crucial aspect of the transportation system as they provide important data on the number of vehicles on the road and help regulate traffic and emissions. Car registrations also play a significant role in tracking ownership and ensuring that vehicles are roadworthy and meet safety standards. Additionally, car registrations are essential for law enforcement purposes, such as identifying stolen vehicles and holding drivers accountable for traffic violations. Overall, car registrations in South Africa serve as a vital tool for maintaining order and safety on the roads.