Taiwan current account

Taiwan current account: 34839 (27.99%)
Last Update: December 31, 2023

Taiwan current account closed down 34839 as of December 31, 2023 from 27220 from the previous month and 27126 from last year.

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Taiwan current account

Date Values
2023-12-31 34839
2023-09-30 27220
2023-06-30 22287
2023-03-31 19245
2022-12-31 23074
2022-09-30 22050
2022-06-30 24132
2022-03-31 31203
2021-12-31 32230
2021-09-30 26858
2021-06-30 29532
2021-03-31 25833
2020-12-31 27126
2020-09-30 29697
2020-06-30 21022
2020-03-31 17021
2019-12-31 16962
2019-09-30 13648
2019-06-30 17428
2019-03-31 17123

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Taiwan current account Statistics

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope Percentile Update
current account tw.currentaccount 34839 27220 28 35 UP UP 53 2024-03-31

Taiwan current account Factors

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What is the Taiwan current account

Welcome to our webpage on Taiwan's current account! Here, you will find a wealth of information, including current and historical data, trends and signals, analytics, and charts to help you understand Taiwan's economic landscape.

Firstly, let's start with the basics. The current account represents the balance of trade in goods and services, income, and current transfers between Taiwan and the rest of the world within a specific period. It provides valuable insights into the country's international trade, investment, and overall economic health.

Interpreting the current account requires analyzing its components. The balance of trade in goods shows the difference between exports and imports of physical products. A positive balance suggests a trade surplus, indicating that Taiwan is exporting more than it is importing, which can be advantageous for its economy. Conversely, a negative balance signifies a trade deficit.

The balance of trade in services considers the export and import of intangible services, such as tourism, transportation, and financial services. A surplus in this area can reflect strong service industries and a growing tourism sector, contributing positively to the overall current account balance.

Income refers to the earnings from foreign investments and assets owned by Taiwanese residents. It includes factors such as dividends, interest payments, and salaries earned abroad. A positive income balance signifies that Taiwan receives more income from its investments abroad than it pays to foreign investors.

Current transfers consider various payments and receipts, such as foreign aid, grants, and remittances from abroad. Monitoring the trends in current transfers can provide insights into the country's dependence on external support or remittances from overseas workers.

On this webpage, you will find up-to-date charts and visualizations that illustrate the current account balance, its components, and trends over time. These analytics can help you identify patterns, fluctuations, and potential drivers behind shifts in Taiwan's current account balances.

Additionally, we offer historical data exports for free, allowing you to perform further analysis using your preferred tools or models. This empowers you to delve deeper into specific time periods or conduct custom calculations tailored to your needs.

To enhance your understanding and capture comprehensive insights, we also provide access to MacroVar signals, trends, and analysis. MacroVar combines economic data, machine learning, and statistical modeling to identify leading indicators and predictive signals for Taiwan's current account. These powerful tools can help you anticipate future developments and make more informed decisions.

We invite you to explore the various sections of this webpage, uncover significant trends, and make the most of the available data, analytics, and signals to gain a comprehensive understanding of Taiwan's current account and its potential impact on the economy as a whole.

Taiwan Financial Markets

Market Symbol Last Mom Trend Exh RSI 1D% 1W% 1M% 1Y%
Taiwan Weighted TWII 16038.6 -1 -0.5 -0.1529 37.3078 0.00233 -0.01958 -0.03133 0.2217
Taiwan ETF EWT 44.04 -0.5 -0.75 -0.97801 44.5634 0.01195 0.00479 -0.00452 0.05713
Taiwan Dollar US Dollar (TWD/USD) TWDUSD 32.309 0 1 1.61637 51.3624 -0.00297 -0.00339 0.00199 0.0382
Taiwan 2-year bond yield TW.2Y 0.945 -1 -1 -1.24508 10.54 0 -1.05 -3.08 9.88
Taiwan Yield Curve TW.YC 0.355 1 1 2.38852 61.1775 0.0597 0.0597 0.57778 0.82051
Taiwan Macroeconomic Indicators

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope Percentile Update
balance of trade tw.balanceoftrade 5771.72 10324 -44 94 UP UP 88 2023-10-31
bank lending rate tw.banks.lendingrate 3.089 3.089 0 19 UP UP 94 2023-06-30
banks balance sheet tw.banks.bs 61438000 60733400 1 6 UP UP 41 2024-03-31
capital flows tw.capitalflows 31873 27516 16 10 UP UP 30 2023-12-31
car registrations tw.carregistrations 23161.3 23151.3 0 1 UP UP 51 2024-02-29
central bank balance sheet tw.cb.assets 20324400 20045800 1 5 UP UP 71 2024-03-31
consumer confidence tw.consconfidence 63.37 73.51 -14 0 Down UP 62 2024-04-30
consumer price index cpi tw.cpi 106.55 107.26 -1 2 UP UP 70 2024-03-31
core inflation rate tw.coreinflationrate 2.22 2.9 -23 79 UP UP 72 2022-07-31
current account tw.currentaccount 34839 27220 28 35 UP UP 53 2024-03-31
current account to gdp tw.currentaccountgdp 11.8 13.3 -11 40 Down UP 0 2023-01-31
exports tw.exports 38114.1 38811.3 -2 -5 UP Down 25 2023-10-31
external debt tw.externaldebt 206499 202545 2 9 Down UP 40 2023-12-31
fiscal expenditure tw.fiscalexp 3847.68 3435.43 12 47 UP UP 0 2023-01-31
foreign direct investment tw.fdi 358.78 684.32 -48 -47 Down Down 27 2024-02-29
foreign exchange reserves tw.fxreserves 5681 5694.22 -0 1 UP UP 13 2024-03-31
gdp tw.gdp 774.7 669.3 16 98 UP UP 0 2021-12-31
Real GDP tw.realgdp 5674330 5544560 2 11 UP UP 71 2023-12-31
gdp growth tw.gdpgrowth 2.34 1.91 23 -20 UP Down 55 2024-03-31
gdp growth annual tw.gdpgrowthan 6.51 4.93 32 -16 UP Down 53 2024-06-30
gold reserves tw.goldres 423.63 423.63 0 0 UP UP 51 2021-03-31
government budget tw.govbudget -1.7 -2.1 -19 -47 UP UP 0 2022-01-31
Government budget tw.govbudgetvalue -375.176 -312.81 20 -164 Down Down 0 2023-12-31
government debt to gdp tw.govdebtgdp 28.2 29.3 -4 2 Down UP 0 2019-01-31
government revenues tw.govrev 3472.5 3122.62 11 51 UP UP 0 2023-01-31
housing index tw.housingindex 153.44 149.82 2 -48 Down Down 18 2023-12-31
imports tw.imports 32342.4 28487.4 14 -12 UP Down 18 2023-10-31
industrial production tw.indproduction 3.99 -1.31 -405 -125 UP UP 43 2024-03-31
industrial production mom tw.indproductionmm -0.84 3.33 -125 -28 Down UP 67 2024-03-31
inflation cpi tw.inflationcpi 2.14 3.08 -31 -9 Down Down 63 2024-03-31
interbank rate tw.interbankrate 1.49 1.49 0 0 Down Down 51 2023-08-15
interest rate tw.interestrate 1.88 1.875 0 25 UP UP 79 2023-07-31
loan growth tw.loangrowth 6.46 5.56 16 -2 UP Down 40 2024-02-29
loans to private sector tw.loanprivate 15337800 15202300 1 5 UP UP 31 2024-02-29
Manufacturing PMI tw.manpmi 50.2 49.3 2 3 UP UP 60 2024-03-31
money supply m0 tw.msm0 3232200 3303780 -2 6 UP UP 7 2024-03-31
money supply m1 tw.msm1 10984900 10944900 0 6 UP UP 34 2024-03-31
money supply m2 tw.msm2 62279000 61754100 1 6 UP UP 36 2024-03-31
Producer Price Index tw.producerprices 109.63 109.42 0 1 Down UP 60 2024-02-29
PPI Index tw.producerpricesch 0.32 -0.46 -170 -94 UP Down 60 2024-01-31
retail sales MoM tw.retailsales 3.63 -12.08 -130 -69 UP Down 40 2024-03-31
retail sales tw.retailsalesan 0.7 9.3 -92 -91 Down Down 32 2024-03-31
unemployment rate tw.unemploymentrate 3.44 3.42 1 -12 Down Down 8 2023-09-30
youth unemployment rate tw.ytunemploymentrate 11.37 11.55 -2 -4 Down Down 22 2024-02-29