Peru Sol US Dollar (PEN/USD)

Peru Sol US Dollar (PEN/USD) closed down 0.27 as of December 20, 2024 from 0.27 from the previous day, 0.27 last week and 0.26 last month.

Peru Sol US Dollar (PEN/USD) Analytics & Data

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Peru Sol US Dollar (PEN/USD) closing prices of the last 60 days are displayed below. Sign up free to download the full historical data series using MacroVar Web/Excel or API.

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Peru Sol US Dollar (PEN/USD) Historical Data

Date Close
2024-12-20 0.267
2024-12-19 0.2681
2024-12-18 0.2678
2024-12-17 0.2672
2024-12-16 0.2675
2024-12-13 0.268
2024-12-12 0.2675
2024-12-11 0.2683
2024-12-10 0.2695
2024-12-09 0.2688
2024-12-06 0.269
2024-12-05 0.2682
2024-12-04 0.2674
2024-12-03 0.2675
2024-12-02 0.2668
2024-11-29 0.2674
2024-11-28 0.2669
2024-11-27 0.2662
2024-11-26 0.2656
2024-11-25 0.265
2024-11-22 0.264
2024-11-21 0.2636
2024-11-20 0.2631
2024-11-19 0.2634
2024-11-18 0.2635
2024-11-15 0.263
2024-11-14 0.2632
2024-11-13 0.2623
2024-11-12 0.2636
2024-11-11 0.2646
2024-11-08 0.2655
2024-11-07 0.2665
2024-11-06 0.2646
2024-11-05 0.265
2024-11-04 0.2651
2024-11-01 0.2648
2024-10-31 0.2648
2024-10-30 0.2655
2024-10-29 0.2652
2024-10-28 0.2657
2024-10-25 0.2653
2024-10-24 0.2661
2024-10-23 0.2664
2024-10-22 0.2665
2024-10-21 0.2655
2024-10-18 0.2662
2024-10-17 0.2651
2024-10-16 0.265
2024-10-15 0.2655
2024-10-14 0.266
2024-10-11 0.2681
2024-10-10 0.2681
2024-10-09 0.2681
2024-10-08 0.2672
2024-10-07 0.2678
2024-10-04 0.268
2024-10-03 0.2683
2024-10-02 0.2689
2024-10-01 0.2697
2024-09-30 0.2689

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Peru Sol US Dollar (PEN/USD) Statistics

Security Symbol Last Momentum Trend Oscillator 1D% 1W% 1M% 1Y%
Peru Sol US Dollar (PEN/USD) PENUSD 0.2684 0 -0 0.02 -0

Peru Sol US Dollar (PEN/USD) Quantitative Analysis, Charts & Factors

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Peru Sol US Dollar (PEN/USD) Historical Data

The MacroVar database offers free access to historical data for the Peru Sol US Dollar (PEN/USD), dating back to 1950. This extensive dataset is readily available through MacroVar versatile platforms, including a user-friendly web interface, a robust Python API, and convenient Excel integration. By leveraging these tools, users can efficiently retrieve and analyze decades of Peru Sol US Dollar (PEN/USD) data, supporting a wide range of research, financial analysis, and decision-making processes.

What is the Peru Sol US Dollar (PEN/USD)

The Peru Sol to US Dollar exchange rate, denoted as PEN/USD, represents the value of one Peru Sol in US Dollars. This exchange rate is important for international trade, investment, and tourism between Peru and the United States. A higher exchange rate means that the Peru Sol is stronger relative to the US Dollar, making imports cheaper for Peruvians but exports more expensive for American consumers. Conversely, a lower exchange rate means that the US Dollar is stronger relative to the Peru Sol, making exports cheaper for American consumers but imports more expensive for Peruvians. This exchange rate can fluctuate daily based on economic factors and market conditions.

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