Ireland car registrations

Ireland car registrations: 6110 (-34.16%)
Last Update: September 30, 2024

Ireland car registrations closed down 6110 as of September 30, 2024 from 9280 from the previous month and 6882 from last year.

Ireland car registrations Analytics & Data

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Ireland car registrations closing prices of the last 24 values are displayed below. Sign up free to download the full historical data series using MacroVar Web/Excel or API.

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Ireland car registrations

Date Values
2024-09-30 6110
2024-08-31 9280
2024-07-31 18512
2024-06-30 3499
2024-05-31 10055
2024-04-30 12409
2024-03-31 14916
2024-02-29 13979
2024-01-31 20861
2023-12-31 1064
2023-11-30 2291
2023-10-31 4587
2023-09-30 6882
2023-08-31 11328
2023-07-31 18106
2023-06-30 5584
2023-05-31 10452
2023-04-30 11277
2023-03-31 15782
2023-02-28 13284
2023-01-31 16787
2022-12-31 866
2022-11-30 2353
2022-10-31 4527

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Ireland car registrations Statistics

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope Percentile Update
car registrations ie.carregistrations 6110.0 9280 -34 -11 Down Down 23 2024-09-30

Ireland car registrations Quantitative Analysis, Charts & Factors

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Ireland car registrations Historical Data

The MacroVar database offers free access to historical data for the Ireland car registrations, dating back to 1950. This extensive dataset is readily available through MacroVar versatile platforms, including a user-friendly web interface, a robust Python API, and convenient Excel integration. By leveraging these tools, users can efficiently retrieve and analyze decades of Ireland car registrations data, supporting a wide range of research, financial analysis, and decision-making processes.

What is the Ireland car registrations

Ireland car registrations refer to the process of registering a vehicle with the Irish government in order to legally drive on the roads. This involves providing proof of ownership, insurance, and payment of relevant fees. Each vehicle is assigned a unique registration number, which must be displayed on the vehicle at all times. Car registrations are important for ensuring road safety, tracking vehicle ownership, and collecting taxes. Failure to register a car can result in fines or other legal consequences.