Switzerland banks balance sheet

Switzerland banks balance sheet closed up 2335160 as of October 31, 2024 from 2316260 from the previous day, 2325960 last week and 2298750 last month.

Switzerland banks balance sheet Analytics & Data

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Switzerland banks balance sheet closing prices of the last 60 days are displayed below. Sign up free to download the full historical data series using MacroVar Web/Excel or API.

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Switzerland banks balance sheet Historical Data

Date Close
2024-10-31 2335160
2024-09-30 2316260
2024-08-31 2329010
2024-07-31 2303630
2024-06-30 2291350
2024-05-31 2325960
2024-04-30 2319970
2024-03-31 2290140
2024-02-29 2307030
2024-01-31 2301040
2023-12-31 2263570
2023-11-30 2281190
2023-10-31 2288960
2023-09-30 2279810
2023-08-31 2271970
2023-07-31 2282980
2023-06-30 2270630
2023-05-31 2320310
2023-04-30 2318170
2023-03-31 2289290
2023-02-28 2298750
2023-01-31 2313040
2022-12-31 2272650
2022-11-30 2335460
2022-10-31 2335840
2022-09-30 2333670
2022-08-31 2362390
2022-07-31 2351970
2022-06-30 2348130
2022-05-31 2374050
2022-04-30 2371160
2022-03-31 2350480
2022-02-28 2345760
2022-01-31 2329610
2021-12-31 2294370
2021-11-30 2312260
2021-10-31 2300140
2021-09-30 2289220
2021-08-31 2289800
2021-07-31 2280490
2021-06-30 2275430
2021-05-31 2283790
2021-04-30 2272590
2021-03-31 2268400
2021-02-28 2283940
2021-01-31 2263540
2020-12-31 2221600
2020-11-30 2254690
2020-10-31 2255830
2020-09-30 2254410
2020-08-31 2262710
2020-07-31 2253540
2020-06-30 2211850
2020-05-31 2225210
2020-04-30 2215320
2020-03-31 2119140
2020-02-29 2124640
2020-01-31 2116900
2019-12-31 2088320
2019-11-30 2112780

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Switzerland banks balance sheet Statistics

Security Symbol Last Momentum Trend Oscillator 1D% 1W% 1M% 1Y%
Switzerland banks balance sheet ch.banks.bs 0 0 0 0

Switzerland banks balance sheet Quantitative Analysis, Charts & Factors

MacroVar monitor of financial and macroeconomic statistical factors affecting Switzerland banks balance sheet is only available to Premium users.

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Switzerland banks balance sheet Historical Data

The MacroVar database offers free access to historical data for the Switzerland banks balance sheet, dating back to 1950. This extensive dataset is readily available through MacroVar versatile platforms, including a user-friendly web interface, a robust Python API, and convenient Excel integration. By leveraging these tools, users can efficiently retrieve and analyze decades of Switzerland banks balance sheet data, supporting a wide range of research, financial analysis, and decision-making processes.

What is the Switzerland banks balance sheet

The balance sheet of Switzerland banks refers to a financial statement that provides a snapshot of the bank's financial position at a specific point in time. It includes assets, liabilities, and shareholders' equity. Assets typically include cash, investments, loans, and other financial instruments held by the bank. Liabilities encompass the bank's obligations such as deposits, borrowings, and other liabilities. Shareholders' equity represents the bank's net worth, calculated as assets minus liabilities. By analyzing the balance sheet, investors, regulators, and other stakeholders can assess the bank's financial health, liquidity, and overall stability. Switzerland banks are known for their strong balance sheets, conservative risk management practices, and stability in the global financial system.

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