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MacroVar monitors real-time economic, financial and geopolitical developments for the Switzerland economy and Switzerland markets by analyzing financial, economic data and real-time news using statistical models. To help you forecast and analyze economic and financial developments, our team provides you with explanations of the theory and structure of our models and access to financial and economic data.

Switzerland Overview

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Switzerland Overview presents the current trends and dynamics of the major Switzerland financial markets and economic indicators. Select Details to get more information for each indicator, use Factors to monitor current statistical analysis of financial & economic factors affecting the specific asset, and select research to read the latest MacroVar research for the specific asset/indicator.

Symbol Price 1D% MoM% YoY% M T B Details
SMI SMI 12818.8 -1.01 0.07 14.67
Switzerland 2-year bond yield CH.2Y 0.16 33.33 1.1 -86.13
Switzerland 10-Year Bond Yield CH.10Y 0.45 14.29 0.27 -53.19
Swiss Franc US Dollar (CHF/USD) CHFUSD 0.9 -0.43 -0.02 2.33
Manufacturing PMI ch.manpmi 48.4 0 0 13
Symbol Price 1D% MoM% YoY% M T B Details
SMI SMI 12818.8 -1.01 0.07 14.67
Switzerland ETF EWL 51.41 0.02 0.09 12.67
Switzerland 2-year bond yield CH.2Y 0.16 33.33 1.1 -86.13
Switzerland 10-Year Bond Yield CH.10Y 0.45 14.29 0.27 -53.19
Switzerland Yield Curve CH.YC 0.28 4.1 -0.17 -220.26
Swiss Franc US Dollar (CHF/USD) CHFUSD 0.9 -0.43 -0.02 2.33
Symbol Price 1D% MoM% YoY% M T B Details
Manufacturing PMI ch.manpmi 48.4 0 0 13
GDP Growth (annual) ch.gdpgrowthan 2 33 33 -49
Inflation CPI ch.inflationcpi 0.4 -33 -33 -69
Unemployment rate ch.unemploymentrate 3 7 7 30
Symbol Price 1D% MoM% YoY% M T B Details
SMI SMI 12818.8 -1.01 0.07 14.67
Switzerland 2-year bond yield CH.2Y 0.16 33.33 1.1 -86.13
Switzerland 10-Year Bond Yield CH.10Y 0.45 14.29 0.27 -53.19
Swiss Franc US Dollar (CHF/USD) CHFUSD 0.9 -0.43 -0.02 2.33

Switzerland Market News

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Time Headlines
2024-09-26 13:17 SNB's Vice Chairman Schlegel: The rate at current level still gives SNB some room.
2024-09-26 13:17 SNB's Vice Chairman Schlegel: Strong Franc is a challenge for some swiss firms.
2024-09-26 13:17 SNB's Vice Chairman Schlegel: More easing looks likely, we are not pre-committing.
2024-09-26 13:17 SNB's Vice Chairman Schlegel: We don't exclude any policy measures.
2024-09-26 13:17 SNB's Vice Chairman Schlegel: The primary tool of the SNB will be interest rates, but forex interventions could be used if necessary.
2024-09-26 13:17 SNB's Vice Chairman Schlegel: We are working on bank obligation to hold enough collateral.
2024-09-26 13:17 Swiss National Bank Vice Chairman: Three interest cuts so far and not ruling out a further cut means we are in good shape.
2024-09-26 13:17 SNB's Chairman Jordan: A further interest rate cut might be necessary to ensure price stability.
2024-09-26 13:17 SNB's Chairman Jordan: I don't see deflation risk any time soon.
2024-09-26 13:17 SNB's Chairman Jordan: The rise of the Swiss Franc was a major factor in the decline of Swiss inflation.

Switzerland Economic Calendar

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Economic calendar presents real-time updates for actual, forecasts and consensus values of economic indicators and updates related to the United States economy.

Switzerland Economic Overview

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Switzerland economic overview presents a snapshot of Switzerland current economic conditions. You can find details for the Switzerland economy subsections by exploring the sections below.

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope
Manufacturing PMI ch.manpmi 48.4 48.5 0 13 UP UP

Switzerland Manufacturing

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MacroVar tracks hundreds of indicators related to Switzerland manufacturing. Our focus is on the most important leading indicators based on the ISM report and related indicators. The ISM report is the most important report reflecting the real demand of goods in the Switzerland economy.

1Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope
Manufacturing PMI ch.manpmi 48.4 48.5 0 13 UP UP
industrial production ch.indproduction 3.5 7 -50 400 UP UP

Switzerland consumer sentiment

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Consumer spending makes up 67% of the U.S. Economy. MacroVar monitors direct consumer reports like the University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index and indirect macroeconomic indicators related to Switzerland employment and Switzerland consumer activity (building permits).

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope
consumer confidence ch.consconfidence -29.0 -30s -3 -29 UP UP
unemployment rate ch.unemploymentrate 3.0 2.8s 7 30 UP UP
retail sales ch.retailsalesan 2.6 1.4s 86 1200 UP UP
retail sales MoM ch.retailsales 0.6 -0.1s -700 -14 UP Down
car registrations ch.carregistrations 25354.0 19698s 29 -5 UP Down

Switzerland Construction

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The Switzerland construction sector is a significant component of the Switzerland economy. MacroVar monitors leading indicators of construction activity like building permits and new home sales.

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope

Switzerland Macroeconomic outlook

Switzerland Macroeconomic outlook presents an overview of the long-term fundamental coincident factors of the Switzerland economy. Components monitored are the country's rserves, debt, Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy. Explore Switzerland macroeconomic model in detail.

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope
gdp ch.gdp 884.94 807.71 10 26 UP UP
Real GDP ch.realgdp 195925.0 195123 0 6 UP UP
gdp growth annual ch.gdpgrowthan 2.0 1.5 33 -49 UP Down
gdp growth ch.gdpgrowth 0.4 0.6 -33 -76 UP Down
inflation cpi ch.inflationcpi 0.4 0.6 -33 -69 Down Down
interest rate ch.interestrate 1.0 1 0 -43 Down Down
unemployment rate ch.unemploymentrate 3.0 2.8 7 30 UP UP
government debt ch.govdebt 208646.0 204863 2 0 Down UP
external debt ch.externaldebt 1962412.56 1993150 -2 -8 Down Down
government debt to gdp ch.govdebtgdp 38.3 37.7 2 -11 Down Down
current account ch.currentaccount 6277.37 18324.8 -66 -9 Down Down
current account to gdp ch.currentaccountgdp 7.6 9.9 -23 -4 Down Down
exports ch.exports 24389.41 21948.1 11 14 UP UP
imports ch.imports 18415.12 18045 2 3 Down UP
foreign exchange reserves ch.fxreserves 736392.0 730872 1 11 Down UP
gold reserves ch.goldres 1040.0 1040 0 0 Down Down
government revenues ch.govrev 252844.0 251803 0 27 UP UP
fiscal expenditure ch.fiscalexp 248469.0 245008 1 26 UP UP

Switzerland Inflation

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MacroVar monitors major inflation indexes and subcompoonents based on Bureau of Labour Statistics monthly report.

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend
inflation cpi ch.inflationcpi 0.4 0.6 -33 -69
core inflation rate ch.coreinflationrate 0.9 0.7 29 -25
Produce Prices YoY ch.producerpricesch -0.3 -0.9 -67 -87

Switzerland Employment

MacroVar monitors leading indicators (ISM/NMI employment activity), coincident (Initial & Continuing jobless claims) and lagging indicators of Switzerland employment. Switzerland employment is one of the major factors affecting Switzerland monetary policy.

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope
unemployment rate ch.unemploymentrate 3.0 2.8 7 30 UP UP

Switzerland Monetary Policy

Switzerland Monetary policy is monitored by tracking the most important indicators related to the Fed's balance sheet and interest rates.

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope
interest rate ch.interestrate 1.0 1 0 -43 Down Down
central bank balance sheet ch.cb.assets 854078.2 843049 1 7 UP UP
banks balance sheet ch.banks.bs 2349406.2 2335160 1 3 UP UP
money supply m1 ch.msm1 635405.0 621257 2 2 UP UP
money supply m2 ch.msm2 971643.0 953054 2 5 UP UP
government debt to gdp ch.govdebtgdp 38.3 37.7 2 -11 Down Down
loans to private sector ch.loanprivate 1765943.0 1757420 0 2 UP UP
Switzerland Credit Rating (S&P) RATING.S&P.SW
Switzerland Credit Rating (Moody's) RATING.MOODYS.SW
Switzerland Credit Rating (Fitch) RATING.FITCH.CH

Switzerland Fiscal Policy

Switzerland Fiscal policy is monitored by tracking the most important indicators related to the Treasury's decisions on government spending, revenues and budget surplus/deficit.

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope
government revenues ch.govrev 252844.0 251803 0 27 UP UP
fiscal expenditure ch.fiscalexp 248469.0 245008 1 26 UP UP
government budget ch.govbudget 0.5 1.2 -58 -29 UP Down
Government budget ch.govbudgetvalue 4375.0 6795 -36 113 UP UP
government debt ch.govdebt 208646.0 204863 2 0 Down UP
government debt to gdp ch.govdebtgdp 38.3 37.7 2 -11 Down Down

Switzerland Trade

Switzerland trade activity is monitored by tracking Trade and Capital flows.

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope
current account ch.currentaccount 6277.37 18324.8 -66 -9 Down Down
current account to gdp ch.currentaccountgdp 7.6 9.9 -23 -4 Down Down
balance of trade ch.balanceoftrade 5974.29 3903.13 53 76 UP UP
imports ch.imports 18415.12 18045 2 3 Down UP
exports ch.exports 24389.41 21948.1 11 14 UP UP
capital flows ch.capitalflows -6749.84 40398.1 -117 -234 Down Down
foreign direct investment ch.fdi 930318.8 1028280 -10 45 Down UP
external debt ch.externaldebt 1962412.56 1993150 -2 -8 Down Down
foreign exchange reserves ch.fxreserves 736392.0 730872 1 11 Down UP
gold reserves ch.goldres 1040.0 1040 0 0 Down Down