Swiss Franc US Dollar (CHF/USD)

Swiss Franc US Dollar (CHF/USD) closed down 0.85 as of September 2, 2024 from 0.85 from the previous day, 0.84 last week and 0.85 last month.

Swiss Franc US Dollar (CHF/USD) Analytics & Data

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Swiss Franc US Dollar (CHF/USD) closing prices of the last 60 days are displayed below. Sign up free to download the full historical data series using MacroVar Web/Excel or API.

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Swiss Franc US Dollar (CHF/USD) Historical Data

Date Close
2024-09-02 0.8494
2024-09-01 0.8508
2024-08-30 0.8498
2024-08-29 0.8472
2024-08-28 0.8422
2024-08-27 0.8415
2024-08-26 0.8472
2024-08-23 0.8479
2024-08-22 0.852
2024-08-21 0.8517
2024-08-20 0.854
2024-08-19 0.8627
2024-08-16 0.866
2024-08-15 0.8726
2024-08-14 0.8651
2024-08-13 0.8647
2024-08-12 0.8651
2024-08-09 0.8652
2024-08-08 0.8664
2024-08-07 0.8616
2024-08-06 0.8513
2024-08-05 0.8523
2024-08-02 0.8575
2024-08-01 0.8728
2024-07-31 0.8779
2024-07-30 0.8779
2024-07-29 0.8825
2024-07-28 0.8859
2024-07-25 0.8836
2024-07-24 0.8815
2024-07-23 0.891
2024-07-22 0.8895
2024-07-19 0.889
2024-07-18 0.8875
2024-07-17 0.8832
2024-07-16 0.8934
2024-07-15 0.8956
2024-07-12 0.894
2024-07-11 0.8963
2024-07-10 0.8994
2024-07-09 0.8977
2024-07-08 0.8975
2024-07-05 0.896
2024-07-04 0.9001
2024-07-03 0.9014
2024-07-02 0.9037
2024-07-01 0.9028
2024-06-28 0.8987
2024-06-27 0.8985
2024-06-26 0.8972
2024-06-25 0.8946
2024-06-24 0.8927
2024-06-21 0.8937
2024-06-20 0.8911
2024-06-19 0.8842
2024-06-18 0.8841
2024-06-17 0.8893
2024-06-14 0.8901
2024-06-13 0.8937
2024-06-12 0.8941

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Swiss Franc US Dollar (CHF/USD) Statistics

Security Symbol Last Momentum Trend Oscillator 1D% 1W% 1M% 1Y%
Swiss Franc US Dollar (CHF/USD) CHFUSD 0.8995 0.01 -0.07 0.65 3.45

Swiss Franc US Dollar (CHF/USD) Quantitative Analysis, Charts & Factors

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Swiss Franc US Dollar (CHF/USD) Historical Data

The MacroVar database offers free access to historical data for the Swiss Franc US Dollar (CHF/USD), dating back to 1950. This extensive dataset is readily available through MacroVar versatile platforms, including a user-friendly web interface, a robust Python API, and convenient Excel integration. By leveraging these tools, users can efficiently retrieve and analyze decades of Swiss Franc US Dollar (CHF/USD) data, supporting a wide range of research, financial analysis, and decision-making processes.

What is the Swiss Franc US Dollar (CHF/USD)

The Swiss Franc US Dollar (CHF/USD) is a currency pair that represents the exchange rate between the Swiss Franc (CHF) and the US Dollar (USD). This currency pair is commonly traded in the foreign exchange market, where investors and traders buy and sell these currencies in order to profit from fluctuations in their exchange rates. The value of the CHF/USD pair is influenced by a variety of factors, including economic indicators, geopolitical events, and market sentiment. Traders often use technical analysis and fundamental analysis to predict future movements in the exchange rate and make informed trading decisions.