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MacroVar monitors real-time economic, financial and geopolitical developments for the Poland economy and Poland markets by analyzing financial, economic data and real-time news using statistical models. To help you forecast and analyze economic and financial developments, our team provides you with explanations of the theory and structure of our models and access to financial and economic data.

Poland Overview 
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Poland Overview presents the current trends and dynamics of the major Poland financial markets and economic indicators. Select Details to get more information for each indicator, use Factors to monitor current statistical analysis of financial & economic factors affecting the specific asset, and select research to read the latest MacroVar research for the specific asset/indicator.

Symbol Price 1D% MoM% YoY% M T B Details
WIG WIG 91788 -0.6 0.1 16.61
Poland 2-year bond yield PL.2Y 5.23 -1.38 -0.01 4.6
Poland 10-Year Bond Yield PL.10Y 5.74 -1.95 -0.03 7.75
Polish Zloty US Dollar (PLN/USD) PLNUSD 3.96 -0.43 -0.04 -0.44
Manufacturing PMI pl.manpmi 48.2 -1 -1 2
ESI - Economic Composite pl.esi.conf 99.1 1 1 0
Symbol Price 1D% MoM% YoY% M T B Details
WIG WIG 91788 -0.6 0.1 16.61
Poland ETF EPOL 25.77 -0.35 0.18 18.21
Poland 2-year bond yield PL.2Y 5.23 -1.38 -0.01 4.6
Poland 10-Year Bond Yield PL.10Y 5.74 -1.95 -0.03 7.75
Poland Yield Curve PL.YC 0.62 9.43 -0.18 36.36
Polish Zloty US Dollar (PLN/USD) PLNUSD 3.96 -0.43 -0.04 -0.44
Poland Credit Default Swaps CDS.Poland 73.5 -3.29 -0.06 -33.18
Symbol Price 1D% MoM% YoY% M T B Details
ESI - Economic Composite pl.esi.conf 99.1 1 1 0
Manufacturing PMI pl.manpmi 48.2 -1 -1 2
GDP Growth (annual) pl.gdpgrowthan 3.2 19 19 -62
Inflation CPI pl.inflationcpi 5.3 13 13 165
Unemployment rate pl.unemploymentrate 5.1 2 2 -6
Symbol Price 1D% MoM% YoY% M T B Details
WIG WIG 91788 -0.6 0.1 16.61
Poland 2-year bond yield PL.2Y 5.23 -1.38 -0.01 4.6
Poland 10-Year Bond Yield PL.10Y 5.74 -1.95 -0.03 7.75
Polish Zloty US Dollar (PLN/USD) PLNUSD 3.96 -0.43 -0.04 -0.44
Poland Credit Default Swaps CDS.Poland 73.5 -3.29 -0.06 -33.18

Poland Economic Sectors

MacroVar analyzes in detail the dynamics of the Poland economy by economic sector and subsector based on data obtained from Eurostat. MacroVar presents for free current dynamics of Poland economic sectors.

Sectors Last Previous Trend Momentum Trend MoM% QoQ% YoY%
General Economic Conditions 101.5 101.6 0 0 8
Manufacturing sector -17.7 -17.4 2 13 -10
Services sector -2.3 -0.8 187 156 -60
Retail sector -2.4 -0.6 300 1100 20
Consumer sector 3.5 3.7 -5 84 -152
Construction sector -16.3 -15.9 3 7 -23
Employment dynamics 98.5 99.0 -1 -3 3
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Poland Economic Calendar

Economic calendar presents real-time updates for actual, forecasts and consensus values of economic indicators and updates related to the Poland economy.

Poland Economic Overview

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Poland economic overview presents a snapshot of US current economic conditions. You can find details for the Poland economy subsections by exploring the sections below.

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope
ESI - Economic Composite pl.esi.conf 99.1 98.4 1 0 Down Down
Industrial New Orders pl.man.orders -42.1 -42.4 -1 -3 UP UP
Industrial Prices pl.man.priceexp 8.6 6.3 37 -31 UP Down
Manufacturing PMI pl.manpmi 48.2 48.9 -1 2 UP UP
Industrial Confidence pl.esi.man -17.1 -18.1 -6 5 Down Down
Services Confidence pl.esi.serv -4.5 -3.4 32 10 Down Down
Consumer Confidence pl.esi.cons -1.2 -1.8 -33 -14 Down UP
Retail Confidence pl.esi.ret -1.1 -1.5 -27 0 Down Down
Construction Confidence pl.esi.constr -16.3 -16.5 -1 -9 UP UP

Poland Manufacturing

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MacroVar tracks hundreds of indicators related to Poland manufacturing sector.

1Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope
Manufacturing PMI pl.manpmi 48.2 48.9 -1 2 UP UP
industrial production pl.indproduction 0.2 -1.5 -113 -106 Down UP

Poland consumer sentiment

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Consumer spending makes a large part of the Poland Economy.

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope
consumer confidence pl.consconfidence -16.7 -17.1s -2 10 Down Down
Consumer Confidence pl.esi.cons -1.2 -1.8s -33 -14 Down UP
Employment Dynamics pl.eei.emp 103.9 104.1s 0 2 UP UP
unemployment rate pl.unemploymentrate 5.1 5s 2 -6 UP Down
retail sales pl.retailsalesan 1.9 3.1s -39 -183 Down UP
retail sales MoM pl.retailsales -1.5 -0.2s 650 88 Down Down
car registrations pl.carregistrations 55691.0 49149s 13 32 UP UP
building permits pl.buildingpermits 79084.0 73363s 8 9 UP UP

Poland Construction

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The Poland construction sector is a significant component of the Poland economy. MacroVar monitors leading indicators of construction activity like building permits and new home sales.

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope
building permits pl.buildingpermits 79084.0 73363 8 9 UP UP

Poland Macroeconomic outlook

Poland Macroeconomic outlook presents an overview of the long-term fundamental coincident factors of the Poland economy. Components monitored are the country's rserves, debt, Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy. Explore Poland macroeconomic model in detail.

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope
gdp pl.gdp 811.23 688.18 18 53 UP UP
Real GDP pl.realgdp 867705.9 836505 4 42 UP UP
gdp growth annual pl.gdpgrowthan 3.2 2.7 19 -62 UP Down
gdp growth pl.gdpgrowth 1.3 -0.1 -1400 -69 UP Down
inflation cpi pl.inflationcpi 5.3 4.7 13 165 UP UP
interest rate pl.interestrate 5.75 5.75 0 0 Down Down
unemployment rate pl.unemploymentrate 5.1 5 2 -6 UP Down
government debt pl.govdebt 1568552.6 1537040 2 20 UP UP
external debt pl.externaldebt 467286.0 437255 7 28 UP UP
government debt to gdp pl.govdebtgdp 49.6 49.2 1 -9 Down Down
current account pl.currentaccount -803.0 -521 54 -504 Down Down
current account to gdp pl.currentaccountgdp 1.8 -2.3 -178 -135 UP UP
exports pl.exports 28331.0 27161 4 -8 UP Down
imports pl.imports 26939.0 30019 -10 5 Down UP
foreign exchange reserves pl.fxreserves 225419.9 223166 1 19 UP UP
gold reserves pl.goldres 448.23 419.7 7 96 UP UP
government revenues pl.govrev 578752.6 519523 11 9 UP UP
fiscal expenditure pl.fiscalexp 720588.0 649310 11 26 UP UP

Poland Inflation

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Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend
inflation cpi pl.inflationcpi 5.3 4.7 13 165
core inflation rate pl.coreinflationrate 4.0 4.3 -7 -42
Produce Prices YoY pl.producerpricesch -2.6 -3.8 -32 -62

Poland Employment

MacroVar monitors leading indicators (ESI employment activity) and lagging indicators of Poland employment. Poland employment is one of the major factors affecting ECB monetary policy.

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope
unemployment rate pl.unemploymentrate 5.1 5 2 -6 UP Down

Poland Monetary Policy

Poland Monetary policy is monitored by tracking the most important indicators related to the central bank's balance sheet and interest rates.

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope
interest rate pl.interestrate 5.75 5.75 0 0 Down Down
central bank balance sheet pl.cb.assets 1064667.0 1042390 2 16 UP UP
banks balance sheet pl.banks.bs 3429466.6 3410400 1 10 UP UP
money supply m1 pl.msm1 1858742.5 1781460 4 10 UP UP
money supply m2 pl.msm2 2469096.4 2419210 2 9 UP UP
government debt to gdp pl.govdebtgdp 49.6 49.2 1 -9 Down Down
Poland Credit Rating (S&P) RATING.S&P.PL
Poland Credit Rating (Moody's) RATING.MOODYS.PL
Poland Credit Rating (Fitch) RATING.FITCH.PL

Poland Fiscal Policy

Poland Fiscal policy is monitored by tracking the most important indicators related to the Treasury's decisions on government spending, revenues and budget surplus/deficit.

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope
government revenues pl.govrev 578752.6 519523 11 9 UP UP
fiscal expenditure pl.fiscalexp 720588.0 649310 11 26 UP UP
government budget pl.govbudget -5.1 -3.4 50 4 Down Down
Government budget pl.govbudgetvalue -141835.4 -129787 9 233 Down Down
government debt pl.govdebt 1568552.6 1537040 2 20 UP UP
government debt to gdp pl.govdebtgdp 49.6 49.2 1 -9 Down Down

Poland Trade

Poland trade activity is monitored by tracking Trade and Capital flows.

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope
current account pl.currentaccount -803.0 -521 54 -504 Down Down
current account to gdp pl.currentaccountgdp 1.8 -2.3 -178 -135 UP UP
balance of trade pl.balanceoftrade -2236.0 -1169 91 180 Down Down
imports pl.imports 26939.0 30019 -10 5 Down UP
exports pl.exports 28331.0 27161 4 -8 UP Down
capital flows pl.capitalflows -6845.0 -128 5248 148 Down Down
foreign direct investment pl.fdi 259254.0 251554 3 65 UP UP
external debt pl.externaldebt 467286.0 437255 7 28 UP UP
foreign exchange reserves pl.fxreserves 225419.9 223166 1 19 UP UP
gold reserves pl.goldres 448.23 419.7 7 96 UP UP