Germany unemployment rate

Germany unemployment rate: 5.9 (0%)
Last Update: April 30, 2024

Germany unemployment rate closed down 5.9 as of April 30, 2024 from 5.9 from the previous month and 5.6 from last year.

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Germany unemployment rate

Date Values
2024-04-30 5.9
2024-03-31 5.9
2024-02-29 5.9
2024-01-31 5.9
2023-12-31 5.9
2023-11-30 5.8
2023-10-31 5.8
2023-09-30 5.7
2023-08-31 5.7
2023-07-31 5.7
2022-06-30 5.7
2022-05-31 5.6
2022-04-30 5.6
2022-03-31 5.6
2022-02-28 5.5
2022-01-31 5.5
2021-12-31 5.5
2021-11-30 5.5
2021-10-31 5.5
2021-09-30 5.5

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Germany unemployment rate Statistics

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope Percentile Update
unemployment rate de.unemploymentrate 5.9 5.9 0 5 UP UP 49 2024-03-31

Germany unemployment rate Factors

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What is the Germany unemployment rate

Germany Unemployment Rate: Current and Historical Data and Analytics

Welcome to our webpage providing up-to-date information on Germany's unemployment rate. Here you will find current and historical data, trends and signals, analytics, and visual charts that will help you understand the dynamics of unemployment in Germany.

What is Germany Unemployment Rate? The Germany unemployment rate is the percentage of the labor force that is currently without a job but actively seeking employment. It is an important economic indicator and provides insights into the overall health of the labor market. A low unemployment rate is generally considered positive, as it indicates a high level of job opportunities and economic stability. Conversely, a high unemployment rate may signify a struggling economy with limited employment prospects.

Interpreting the Unemployment Rate: Interpreting the unemployment rate involves analyzing it in conjunction with other economic data to gain a comprehensive understanding of the labor market. Factors such as job creation, job vacancies, wages, and demographic trends can affect the interpretation of the unemployment rate.

For example, a declining unemployment rate may be a positive signal but could also be misleading if it is driven primarily by discouraged workers leaving the labor force or by underemployment. Consequently, it is essential to consider the broader economic context when analyzing the unemployment rate.

Current and Historical Data: Our webpage showcases the current unemployment rate in Germany, updated regularly to provide you with the latest information. Additionally, we offer access to historical data that allows you to observe trends and analyze the unemployment rate's behavior over time. Having access to extensive historical information empowers researchers, analysts, and policymakers to identify patterns and formulate informed strategies.

Trends and Signals: Understanding trends and signals is crucial for anticipating potential changes in the unemployment rate. On our webpage, we provide sophisticated analytics tools that help identify significant trends, such as long-term unemployment patterns, seasonal variations, and cyclical fluctuations within the labor market. These trends and signals provide valuable insights suitable for policymakers, economists, business leaders, and researchers.

Analytics and Charts: To visualize the unemployment rate data effectively, our webpage offers interactive charts and graphs. These visual representations enable users to interpret the data intuitively, identify key turning points, and detect any seasonal or cyclical patterns. Our charts can be customized to view the unemployment rate alongside relevant economic variables to facilitate comparative analysis.

Export Historical Data: To facilitate further analysis or extensive research, we offer the ability to export historical unemployment rate data in various formats, including CSV and Excel. This feature allows users to integrate the data into their preferred analysis platforms, statistical software, or models, presenting opportunities for in-depth exploration and modeling.

MacroVar Signals, Trends, and Analysis: For users seeking advanced insights into Germany's unemployment rate, our webpage provides access to MacroVar signals, trends, and analyses. MacroVar employs sophisticated algorithms and data science techniques to extract meaningful signals from economic data, providing nuanced interpretations and trend forecasts. MacroVar's advanced analytics can assist professionals in making informed decisions in various fields, including economic policy, investment, and strategic planning.

Take advantage of our comprehensive data, analytics, and trends to gain a deeper understanding of Germany's unemployment rate. Stay informed and discover actionable insights to support your research, analysis, and decision-making.

Germany Financial Markets

Market Symbol Last Mom Trend Exh RSI 1D% 1W% 1M% 1Y%
DAX DAX 16533.1 1 1 2.09095 81.9507 0.00782 0.03379 0.09111 0.15563
Germany ETF EWG 25.36 -0.5 -1 -2.2394 43.4162 0.00715 0.00915 -0.01285 0.16224
FGBX 30Y German Bunds FGBX 123.18 0.5 -1 -1.55426 55.1115 0.00309 0.02924 0.03011 -0.15734
FGBL 10Y German Bunds FGBL 129.94 1 -0.75 -1.16109 59.1946 0.00023 0.01003 0.01563 -0.06194
German 30Y DE.30Y 2.996 -0.5 1 1.65043 46.3934 -0.02347 -0.0382 -0.03697 0.66908
Germany 10-Year Bond Yield DE.10Y 2.722 -1 0.75 1.08587 41.4967 -0.01555 -0.05058 -0.05486 0.28822
Germany 5-Year Bond Yield DE.5Y 2.487 -1 0.25 0.33949 42.2064 0.00161 -0.03679 -0.04125 0.27538
Germany 2-year bond yield DE.2Y 2.996 -1 0 0.18331 36.9987 0.00369 -0.02759 -0.04768 0.38001
Germany Yield Curve DE.YC -0.344 0.5 1 0.8341 48.4882 0.20702 0.23297 0.34375 -7.14286
Germany Credit Default Swaps CDS.Germany 15.8325 -0.5 -0.25 -0.15382 39.5441 -0.03397 0.00065 -0.15725 -0.20518
Germany Macroeconomic Indicators

Indicator Symbol Actual Previous M/M% Y/Y% Trend Slope Percentile Update
balance of trade de.balanceoftrade 16.72 17.75 -6 154 UP UP 97 2023-10-31
bank lending rate de.banks.lendingrate 5.58 5.37 4 197 UP UP 100 2023-06-30
banks balance sheet 10799.7 10797.6 0 -3 UP Down 2 2023-09-30
building permits de.buildingpermits 15195 13841 10 -21 Down Down 20 2024-02-29
business confidence de.bizconfidence 89.4 87.9 2 -4 UP Down 52 2024-04-30
capacity utilization de.caputilization 81 81.9 -1 -1 Down Down 38 2024-03-31
capital flows de.capitalflows 15493.1 2087.45 642 -50 Down Down 39 2024-02-29
car registrations de.carregistrations 263844 217388 21 -6 UP Down 38 2024-03-31
central bank balance sheet de.cb.assets 2423.91 2439.06 -1 -3 Down Down 30 2025-11-30
composite pmi de.comppmi 47.4 46.3 2 -10 Down Down 20 2024-03-31
construction pmi de.constrpmi 38.3 39.1 -2 -11 Down Down 32 2024-03-31
consumer confidence de.consconfidence -24.2 -27.3 -11 -6 UP UP 77 2024-05-31
consumer price index cpi de.cpi 119.1 118.6 0 3 UP UP 66 2024-03-31
core inflation rate de.coreinflationrate 3 3.3 -9 -48 Down Down 12 2024-03-31
current account de.currentaccount 29755.8 27912.7 7 -2 UP Down 42 2024-03-31
current account to gdp de.currentaccountgdp 5.9 4.2 40 -5 Down Down 0 2023-01-31
exports de.exports 132.9 135.6 -2 3 UP UP 64 2024-03-31
external debt de.externaldebt 6109220 6046540 1 11 UP UP 55 2023-12-31
fiscal expenditure de.fiscalexp 477.6 497 -4 12 UP UP 0 2023-06-30
foreign direct investment de.fdi 914.93 4753.54 -81 -173 Down UP 17 2024-03-31
foreign exchange reserves de.fxreserves 295014 294402 0 7 UP UP 38 2024-02-29
gdp de.gdp 4072.19 4259.93 -4 20 UP UP 0 2022-12-31
Real GDP de.realgdp 814.67 817.01 -0 3 UP UP 44 2023-12-31
gdp growth de.gdpgrowth 0.2 -0.5 -140 -91 UP Down 33 2024-06-30
gdp growth annual de.gdpgrowthan -0.2 -0.2 0 -90 Down UP 37 2024-03-31
gold reserves de.goldres 3352.65 3354.89 0 0 Down Down 51 2023-06-30
government budget de.govbudget -2.5 -2.5 0 -43 Down UP 0 2024-01-31
Government budget de.govbudgetvalue -1.39 -55.32 -97 -98 UP UP 48 2023-06-30
government debt de.govdebt 2445400 2453860 -0 11 UP UP 57 2024-03-31
government debt to gdp de.govdebtgdp 63.6 66.1 -4 -22 Down Down 0 2024-01-31
government revenues de.govrev 476.21 441.68 8 34 UP UP 100 2023-06-30
housing index de.housingindex 210.94 209.67 1 -1 Down Down 23 2024-02-29
imports de.imports 110 109.89 0 -12 Down Down 28 2023-11-30
industrial production de.indproduction -4.9 -5.3 -8 -590 Down Down 5 2024-02-29
industrial production mom de.indproductionmm 2.1 1.3 62 -200 UP UP 0 2024-03-31
inflation cpi de.inflationcpi 2.2 2.5 -12 -69 Down Down 20 2024-04-30
interbank rate de.interbankrate 3.672 3.54 4 9824 UP UP 100 2023-07-31
interest rate de.interestrate 4.5 4.5 0 8900 UP UP 99 2024-04-01
loans to private sector de.loanprivate 1878.22 1879.41 -0 16 UP UP 85 2023-09-30
long term unemployment rate de.ltunemploymentrate 1.2 1.1 9 -29 Down Down 45 2021-03-31
Manufacturing PMI de.manpmi 41.9 42.5 -1 -6 UP Down 58 2024-04-30
money supply m1 de.msm1 2559.6 2577.9 -1 -9 Down Down 9 2024-02-29
money supply m2 de.msm2 3745.8 3743.5 0 -1 Down Down 8 2024-02-29
money supply m3 de.msm3 3834.8 3834 0 -0 Down Down 8 2024-02-29
Producer Price Index de.producerprices 127.3 127.1 0 -15 Down Down 11 2024-03-31
PPI Index de.producerpricesch -2.9 -4.1 -29 -121 UP Down 39 2024-02-29
retail sales MoM de.retailsales -1.9 -0.3 533 375 Down Down 0 2024-03-31
retail sales de.retailsalesan -2.7 -1.2 125 -52 Down UP 62 2024-02-29
services pmi de.servpmi 49.8 48.3 3 -11 Down Down 20 2024-04-30
unemployment rate de.unemploymentrate 5.9 5.9 0 5 UP UP 49 2024-03-31
youth unemployment rate de.ytunemploymentrate 5.8 5.8 0 0 UP Down 62 2024-02-29
zew economic sentiment index de.zewsentiment 42.9 31.7 35 946 UP UP 98 2024-04-30
zew economic current index de.zewcurrent 45.2 47.2 -4.24 -13.08 -100.0 -100.0 0 2019-07-31
IFO Business Climate 85.5 85.2 0 -5 Down Down 41 2024-02-29
IFO Business Expectations 84.1 83.5 1 -2 Down Down 47 2024-02-29
IFO Current Conditions de.ifo.current 94.8 95.1 0 -5 Down Down 41 2023-05-30
Construction Confidence de.esi.constr -17.5 -18.2 -400 69500 Down Down 9300 2024-01-22
Consumer Confidence de.esi.cons -16.5 -15.5 600 -3400 Down UP 0 2024-01-22
Industrial Confidence -15.6 -14.9 500 -54600 Down Down 1000 2024-01-22
Retail Confidence de.esi.ret -18.9 -21.7 -1300 -2000 Down UP 4200 2024-01-22
Services Confidence de.esi.serv 4.1 4.1 0 14100 Down UP 8700 2024-01-22
ESI - Economic Composite de.esi.conf 93.4 95.3 -2 -11 Down Down 26 2023-06-30